PLACECHECK AND ENGAGEMENT. A reduced presentation. A conversation How does a community express or discover its aspirations? Where to start. Key points to carrying one out. Examples of Community Initiatives. Questions? What is the city but the people? William Shakespeare. We tend to think the way we see the world is the way everyone sees it! Anon
WHO AM I? 12 years community engagement experience with Cabe, Creating Excellence and Urban Design Group Community projects in Gloucester, Devon, North Wiltshire, Southampton and Purbeck. Worked inside and outside Local Authority. Worked on Parish Plans, Community Plans, Conservation Area Appraisals, Neighbourhood Plans, Community Strategies, Neighbourhood Renewal Projects and Placechecks
PLACECHECK AND ENGAGEMENT THE BASICS This is only a guide – It’s a Community document. Hints on how to make the Placecheck effective. What is it called? Parish Plans, Community Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, Community Strategies, etc. All similar and deal with aspects of uses and place.
How To Engage? People never engage until the planning application is in! Independent examination into soundness! Proposed a schedule of main modifications!
WHAT WOULD PEOPLE RESPOND TO? We are planning your town it may result in places like this! What do you think?
THE 3 KEY QUESTIONS 1.What do you like about this place? 2.What do you dislike about it? 3.What needs to be changed or improved?
PLACECHECK – WHERE TO START Needs community impetus Setting up a focus/steering group. Make the group inclusive and representative. Decide on group responsibilities/roles. Build Capacity. Consider other community neighbourhoods nearby. Organise creative events. Church hall, empty shop, park, garden, school, etc. Ask your Local Authority to help/guide not Control.
PLACE CHECK EVENTS - GAINING MEANINGFUL FEEDBACK Consult as wide as possible. All parts of the community - young to old - hard to reach groups. Residents, Schools, Businesses, Trades, Creative Industries, etc. Low tech – high engagement Advertise widely as possible. Accessible to all -venue and time. Type of event - allow all to have a voice. Make it fun.
THINGS TO THINK ABOUT. Who needs to be involved in changing the place for the better? What resources are available locally to help people get involved? Are grants and lottery funding available. What other initiatives might you use to develop ideas about how to improve the place? How do we make the most of other programmes and resources? Think beyond the Local Authority to other stakeholders.
WHAT IS IMPORTANT? Important local services Uses in neighbourhood. Maintenance Issues. Community facilities Analysis of Character Important local features or landmarks. Trees and landscape. History of Area. Connections and routes. About more than buildings. Avoid Jargon!
WHAT ARE THE LOCAL ISSUES? Key community aims – not always planning focused. Community Barriers – e.g. busy roads/junctions. Community Threats e.g. speeding cars. Noise and air pollution. Lighting. Safety and crime. Safer routes to school. Helping local shops. Functions and Events Empty/untidy buildings and sites. The Dings, Bristol
CHARACTER AND URBAN DESIGN ANALYSIS. Layout - Urban Structure and Grain Landscape - hard and soft Density and Mix Scale -Height and Massing Appearance - Details and Materials
THE LOCAL AUTHORITY! A consistent consultation strategy at present? A clear route map into the authority? How might groups access funding, help, support other groups? Can it react to large community aspirations? Honest about its capacity to deliver – not all authorities have big resources. If small then can the community or other stakeholder assist in delivery? Always try to help in some form. More communities are facilitating improvements themselves.
EXAMPLES OF INITIATIVES Green Infrastructure Portas Pilots Economic Projects Transition Towns Local Produce Play space Roads and Shared Space Sustainability Public Realm
IDEAS? ‘Turning a place from one you can’t wait to get through to one you never want to leave’.
PLACECHECK OR NP– A SUMMARY – BEYOND THE REGS! A neighbourhood plan is successful when. A dedicated community comes together to improve the neighbourhood. A local authority and local stakeholders are committed to adopting and supporting neighbourhood plans. Support is available to help the community plan and realise its goals. Living Document