Future London Leaders Project Tracker Round Table Event 27 th January 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Future London Leaders Project Tracker Round Table Event 27 th January 2011

Peter Alsop Principal Planning Officer at London Borough of Barnet Planning Development Control background Work in Major Developments Team since 2007 Key projects: – Colindale Area Action Plan – Grahame Park Estate – Stonegrove and Spur Road Estates – Major planning applications for brownfield sites – Edgware Town Centre Strategy Started Future London Leaders (formerly Rising Stars) April 2010

Brodie McKean Senior Planning Officer at London Borough of Hackney – Strategic Delivery Worked in Strategic Delivery Team since 2007 Key projects: - Formulation and implementation Dalston Area Action Plan (Masterplan) Started Future London Leaders (formerly Rising Stars) April 2010

Enfield Council want to make Ponders End a better place to live, work, come to school or visit, and the views of the local community are very important in making this happen. The Ponders End Framework for Change started life as an Urban Design Framework to respond to the need to accommodate housing growth in a holistic way as part of Enfield’s Place Shaping agenda. The Urban Design Framework concept was expanded to encompass much more than urban design principles and in turn is now a draft public realm strategy. PONDERS END, ENFIELD Ponders End is one of Enfield Council’s five Place Shaping priority areas where they are seeking to focus their resources and energy to regenerate the existing neighbourhoods.

Place shaping objectives: Community strategy, An ACTIVE Community A CARING Community A LEARNING Community A CREATIVE Community Project delivery: -Identified in 2006 as a priority Place Shaping Area. -Enfield decided to develop a Framework for Change to guide development. -The creation of the draft Framework for Change for Ponders End began in 2007 through meeting of voluntary groups and statutory bodies, along with Enfield Councillors and council officers. Issues, environment: -Waterfront Infrastructure -Two rail stations – connection to city of London

Proposed ‘Circuit of Change’ This sets out proposals for ten priority public realm intervention, and ten enhancements to community facilities, which have emerged to inspire the redevelopment of ten key sites in Ponders End.

As part of the development of the framework, three key development areas have been identified for more detailed masterplanning work. Planning Briefs are being prepared for each of these areas to encourage development and give clear guidance to potential developers including landuses, mix and quantum of development.

What aspects of the project have you actively got involved in? Site visit and update meetings with the project officers What have you learnt about the project? –Key Achievements –Key Challenges

Key achievements - Community Engagement –Well considered and thorough public and community engagement. Ponders End is home to a lively and active voluntary and community sector with whom Enfield works closely on proposals in the area. In particular, the Ponders End Community Development Trust (PECDT) has been the Council's partner to support Place Shaping in Ponders End since –Social cohesion benefits. - Funding for new Academy - £20 million funding granted for a new Academy. - Public realm improvements to railway connections.

Key Challenges - Delivery -Implementing viable schemes that provide maximum regeneration benefits: - Housing – mix and tenure (need for family housing); -New model to deliver social housing will provide additional challenges (low rental values) -Treatment of listed building; -Local politics. -Community Engagement -Achieving proportional representations; -Resource intensive i.e. Project in the Park – consultation extended twice.

How have the changes in policy/government have affected this project? Challenges for funding – getting projects off the ground Enfield is working with a wide range of partners including Alma and Southbury Primary Schools, Age Concern Enfield, Enfield Conservation Volunteers and Enfield Children and Young People on a bid to Natural England to open up land currently closed to public access in the Lee Valley Regional Park. Whilst the bid for funding from the Access to Nature grant scheme successfully passed Stage1, it was not successful in securing grant funding.

How the project is currently doing? Enfield is working on a number of projects at the moment to improve Ponders End and kick-start regeneration –Ponders End was identified as one of the Mayor of London's Great Spaces which released funding to improve the Recreation Ground. The Council has already started work to create new routes through the space, improve the entrance, upgrade the bandstand, and provide more spaces to sit and relax. How is the future of this project looking? Optimistic – - There is a robust framework in place with a planning brief for the Central area. - Academy funding – wider regeneration benefits. Risk Mitigation – - Risk - Rapid inappropriate change - Mitigation - The plan is a 15 – 20 year plan, important to realise that significant change will happen over time.