Communities Defeat Terrorism Lessons about working together Dick Fedorcio Director of Public Affairs Metropolitan Police Service Date Arial 14pt
Body copy Arial 20/32pt
MPS / National resources Special Branch Force response BCU activity Counter Terrorism Intelligence units (CTIU) Counter-Terrorism Unit (CTU) Counter-Terrorism Command (CTC) National specialist CT units CONTEST National Policing Plan ACPO (TAM) Strategic Plan Force / BCU capability Common regional capability Enhanced national capability (located in regions) National specialist capability National CT strategy International Liaison International Operations
Recent Threat Level History 1 August 2006 introduced as Severe 10 August 2006 raised to Critical (Op Overt) 13 August 2006 lowered to Severe 30 June 2007 raided to Critical (Op Seagram) 4 July 2007 lowered to Severe 20 July 2009 lowered to Substantial 22 January 2010 raised to Severe
Threat Levels Low - an attack is unlikely Moderate - an attack is possible, but not likely Substantial - an attack is a strong possibility Severe - an attack is highly likely Critical - an attack is expected imminently
The digital trend... Body copy Arial 20/32pt 1,000 megabytes = 1 gigabyte 1,000 gigabytes = 1 terabyte 1,000 terabytes = 1 petabyte
The digital trend....
Hi-tech challenges Tb £6010 years Mb£6006 hours
Since 11 September 2001…. 1,661 terrorism arrests across the UK including: Alva, Clackmannanshire, Birmingham, Bristol, Crawley, Dewsbury, Exeter, Gloucester, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Luton, Manchester, Newcastle, Norfolk……. 230 people have been convicted of terrorism related offences
Forest Gate June 2006 Major counter terrorism op ‘Credible Intelligence’ Raid in Landsdown Road, Forest Gate Chemical explosive device ‘250 officers involved’
Friday 2 June 2006 Suspect shot Search of house begins Initial statement released at Extensive media interest Mobile phone images being sent to the media from local residents. Briefing with stakeholders takes place Leaflet prepared for residents ‘IPCC investigation limits what we can say’ Pooled media interview with Peter Clarke ‘Not Prepared to Discuss’
Weekend Press Media vacuum Speculation Community impact
Monday 5 June 2006 Daily Mail – ‘Police won’t find a thing’ Guardian – ‘More questions than answers’ Daily Star – ‘Cover up fury ’ Peter McKay, Daily Mail…. ‘Scotland Yard might have another disaster on its hands…police more concerned with media management than proper investigation.’
Community Impact Community briefings/meetings BOCU commander meets with community leaders Community Together bulletins Media interviews with local people Protests and demonstrations Running commentary from legal team
Urgent Review Reviewed statement/strategy ‘250 officers’ What about the ‘what ifs’ ? Lack of police presence ‘IPCC investigation limits what we can say’ No rebuttal Misinformation quickly became fact Extensive criticism from ethnic minority media Head of News, Chief Press Officer, Senior Press Officer SO all on holiday !
And then….. Brothers released without charge Nothing found in-house Loss of community confidence Demands for an apology Brothers press conference MPS apologises to local community two weeks later
New Counter Terrorism Strategy = OpCI Operation } Community} Investigation} Borough Commander Head of Anti-Terrorist Branch
Under the Spotlight MPA Scrutiny of MPS media handling Evidence from Met officers, journalists and community reps ‘Reluctance of the MPS to engage with media and to share information created an information vacuum, subsequently filled with rumour….’ ‘Neither MPS or IPCC were willing to comment on fevered speculation…. ‘Over use of not prepared to discuss’ ‘MPS needs to be aggressive and quick to challenge incorrect information.’ Nine Recommendations
Learning from our Mistakes New Counter Terrorism Media Strategy Protocol between MPS/IPCC Enhanced Media Monitoring facilities Communities Press Team