Delivering the Tri-borough programme YOUTH OFFENDING SERVICE Combining services to tackle common problems, improve people’s lives and make public money go further
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Tri-Borough: The Local Context The latest Census population figures for the Tri-borough area: 560,538 total people 182,493 in Hammersmith and Fulham, 158,649 people in Kensington and Chelsea and 219,396 people in Westminster youth population at this period was 35,532 (6.3%) 12,043 in Hammersmith and Fulham (6.6%) 9,902 in Kensington and Chelsea (6.2%) 13,587 in Westminster (6.2%)
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Tri-Borough: Youth Offending Last year yr olds received a substantive disposal in the Youth Justice System (0.97% of local youth population): 151 lived in Hammersmith and Fulham (1.25%) 71 in Kensington and Chelsea (0.72%) 122 in Westminster (0.89%).
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Tri-Borough: Youth Offending 858 offences committed for these disposals: 393 in Hammersmith and Fulham 192 in Kensington and Chelsea 273 in Westminster. Offences involving drugs, violence against the person and theft and handling stolen goods were the most prevalent, together accounting for just more than half (52%) of the offences.
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 It shall be the principal aim of the youth justice system to prevent offending by children and young persons Creation of the Youth Justice Board Formation of Youth Offending Teams in each local authority Children/young people aged 10 to 17 years old
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Aims of the Youth Justice Board in England and Wales: Oversees the youth justice system in England and Wales Works to prevent offending and reoffending by children and young people under the age of 18 Ensures that custody for them is safe, secure, and addresses the causes of their offending behaviour
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Agencies under the YOT Umbrella : Required: Police Health Workers Education Workers Social Workers Probation Additional: Substance misuse worker Connexions Workers Integrated Resettlement Worker Parenting Worker
Youth Justice System Preventive Work Early entry into the YJS First offence Anti-social behaviour Pre-court Stage Court Community or Custodial Order Final stage
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Youth Justice System Preventative Work: Multi Systemic Therapy, Family Coaching, Street Outreach Service, Integrated Gangs Unit, Families Forward etc. Pre-Court/ Out of Court Disposals: Triage, Diversion, Police Caution & Conditional Cautions Court Orders: Referral Orders, Reparation Orders, Curfew Orders, Youth Rehabilitation Orders (YRO), Intensive Supervision and Surveillance (ISS), Detention and Training Orders (DTO), Section 91-92, (mental health orders, drug treatment orders)
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Risk Factors: Family: Poor parental supervision and discipline, Family history of criminal activity, Parental attitudes that condone offending, Family conflict, Low income, poor housing and large family size School: Low achievement beginning in primary school, Bullying, Lack of commitment to school, including truancy, Poor school organisation. Community: Disadvantaged neighbourhood, Community disorganisation and neglect, Availability of drugs, High turnover and lack of neighbourhood attachment. Personal or individual factors: Hyperactivity and impulsivity, Alienation and lack of social commitment, Early involvement in offending and substance misuse, Pro-criminal peers.
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Why do young people commit crime? Some children & young people develop criminal identities which serves to perpetuate their offending behaviour. E.g. Young person being referred to as a “good thief”. It can a historic identity in their family. Influence of peer group - Positive response from peers is reward to maintain offending behaviour and self-identification as a criminal. Kudos, e.g. Time in Feltham. Gangs – belonging to a group identity (alternative to a family identity or school community) Labelling - by parents, school, media, being a YOT client, etc.
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Static Factors: current offence type age at first pre-court disposal / conviction previous history Dynamic factors: long term risk factors (e.g. Patterns of thought, mental and physical health) acute factors (e.g. Excessive use of alcohol) Protective factors: balanced assessment identifying factors that contribute to the reduction of risk Assessment of Young people
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Asset headings (dynamic risk factors): Living arrangements Family and personal relationships Education, training and employment Neighbourhood Lifestyle Substance use Physical Health Emotional and mental health Perception of self and others Thinking and behaviour Attitudes to offending Motivation to change Assessment of Young people
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME The Scaled Approach Intervention Level (Likelihood of reoffending score) Contacts per month for first 3 months Contacts per month for rest of order Standard (0 – 14 inclusive) 21 Enhanced (15 – 32 inclusive) 42 Intensive (33 – 64 inclusive) 124 The level of statutory contacts for assessed intervention level:
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Intervention Planning The definition of a contact is “a face to face planned meeting between the young person, the YOT case manager, another member of the YOT, or a member of another agency or a volunteer approved to work with the young person in respect of the supervision of his or her court order.” Low risk (i.e. standard) likely to need an order with components to repair harm e.g. unpaid work Medium risk (i.e. enhanced) may also need components to help them change e.g. education or treatment High risk (I.e. intensive) may need all of these plus a measure of control e.g. curfew
THE TRI-BOROUGH PROGRAMME Other factors to consider... non-compliance and breach working with the courts & within statutory requirements balancing welfare needs while addressing offending behaviour Safeguarding young people and the public