The STEM Project Launched in September 2012 INTERREG IVA Funded Managing Authority: Special EU Programmes Body £1.12m Lead Partner: East Border Region Ltd Delivered by: Southern Group Environmental Health Committee Armagh City & District Council the employer Council
11 Cross Border Councils Ards Borough Council Armagh City & District Council Banbridge District Council Craigavon Borough Council Down District Council Dungannon & South Tyrone Borough Council Louth County Council Meath County Council Monaghan County Council Newry & Mourne District Council North Down Borough Council
Our Mission To Assist 150 Small to Medium Sized Businesses Improve their environmental performance Save money on their energy, waste and water bills Network Cross Border
Targets 53 targets in total! Business Recruitment Audits Savings Networks
Business Recruitment Target 150 Actual 160 Target exceeded + 10
Council Areas
Industry Sectors
Audits - Target 50 Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO BS 8555 NVIROCERT ORIGIN GREEN
Audits Businesses with an Environmental Management System (EMS) No. businesses Target 50 Actual 50 Potential 3 Target exceeded + 3
Savings – Energy Through working with STEM did you reduce your energy consumption? Yes, by up to 10%52% Yes, by between 10% and 20%11% Yes, by more than 20%4%
Energy Savings Aimed to save businesses approx. £2,850 per annum Kids play resource saved £3,000 per annum Local Armagh Engineering Company saved £15,000 per annum Bakery in Ards saved £10,000 per annum Food Manufacturer in Craigavon saved £10,000 per annum Care Home in Drogheda saved £4,000 per annum
Savings - Energy Percentage LED lighting 34.8% Sensor control 15.2% Consumption monitoring/targeting 56.5% Switch off policy54.3% Replacement of equipment with better energy rated alternatives 23.9% Insulation 13.0% Other 17.2%
Over 50 % of businesses surveyed said as a result of working with STEM they are now considering investing in renewable technologies. Helping bring about change Solar Panels 17% Wind Turbines 9% Biomass 12% Anaerobic Digestion 7% Other 5%
Waste Through the help of STEM did you reduce the waste you send to landfill Yes 41.3%
Waste Food producer in Meath saved almost €5000 (which included increased recycling and selling used cooking oil). Food producer in Dungannon identified that installing a waste baler will save them £1,000. An adventure park in Louth saved €700 by diverting waste from landfill. A manufacturing business in Craigavon identified almost £4,000 in waste savings by improvement in recycling practices. A warehouse in Monaghan saved €6,800 by introducing dedicated recycling stations throughout the building.
Water Consumption/Monitoring/Targeting24% Cistern “Hippo Bags”27% Water Efficient taps and showerheads17% Sensor Controls8% Rain Water Harvesting7% Slimline Cisterns2% Other15%
Networks 45 cross border network events PLUS 8 Best Practice visits PLUS 2 large scale cross border Green Biz Conferences and Business Awards
Thank you