Mount Sinai PPS: Partner Webinar Thursday, September 4, 2014 10:00am – 11:00am
Welcome & Introductions Arthur A. Gianelli President of Mount Sinai St. Luke's Special Advisor to the President and CEO of the Mount Sinai Health System for Medicaid Strategy
Meeting Agenda State Updates Borough Workgroup & Stakeholder Engagement Committees & Co-Chair Introductions Initial Areas of Work for Committee (IT & Clinical) Questions Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
PPS Updates
State Updates New Timeline Department of Health (DOH) adjusted the release date of the DSRIP Project Plan application to Sept 22nd and announced a revised DSRIP Year 0 timeline Revised version the DSRIP Project Toolkit with public comments is available online Newly proposed regulations for the Certificate of Public Advantage (COPA) process COPA is the mechanism that gives health care providers immunity from anti-trust laws so that they can form PPSs with other health care providers who might otherwise be competitors The idea is that the benefits of collaboration outweigh the negative impacts of less competition among providers. The proposed COPA regulations were initially published in the State Register on Sept 18, 2013. The recently released COPA regulations reflect public feedback and comments. These newly revised regulations will be open for public feedback until Sept 26, 2014. Key dates from state: Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
New Community Needs Assessment Guidance CNA new guidance provided asks for new components, including financial impact and actuarial analysis Assessment of “financial implications of change and how to rebalance” for PPS Mount Sinai has developed summary of feedback and questions for the State Engaging PPS partners in CNA collaboration discussions Mount Sinai PPS CNA survey updated and summary of breakout sessions posted on Mount Sinai PPS webpage Performance Dashboards released – available at: User-defined reports by local geography Not raw claims data Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Performance Dashboard Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Borough Workgroups & Stakeholder Engagement
Borough Workgroups & Community Stakeholder Engagement First community stakeholder meeting convened in Brooklyn The Brooklyn Hospital Center is the borough lead Engaging local providers Providing DSRIP planning forum and centralized means of stakeholder engagement Logistical support First community-organizing meeting planned for mid-September Boroughs responsible for developing “care coordination hubs” Representative of committee areas and continuum of providers DSRIP planning will occur at the local level, guided by PPS-wide standards and guidelines (e.g. IT, Clinical, Finance, etc.) Borough workgroup formation to be informed by committee members Initial borough workgroup meetings targeted for mid- to late-September
Committee Updates & Co-Chair Introductions
Committee Co-Chairs Leadership Committee: Art Gianelli (President, Mount Sinai St. Luke’s) Mali Trillia (CEO, Settlement Health) Mary Ann Christopher (President and CEO, VNSNY) IT Committee: Barbara Hood (CIO, Ryan Center) Kumar Chatani (CIO, Mount Sinai) Clinical Committee: Marco Damiani (EVP, Young Adults Institute, Inc.) Theresa Soriano (Executive Lead, Mount Sinai Health Homes) Finance Committee: Mark Pancirer, (CFO, Amsterdam Nursing Home) Don Scanlon (CFO, Mount Sinai) Workforce Committee: Linda Reid (Director of Workforce Planning, VNSNY) Jane Maksoud (Chief of Human Resources, Mount Sinai) Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Initial Committee Work IT Conduct baseline assessment of PPS partner provider IT capabilities around such areas as: EMR adoption Electronic data sharing Care coordination Define preliminary requirements for DSRIP reporting and DSRIP projects Informed by secondary IT survey and committee planning discussions Ensure uniform approach to DSRIP reporting needs Support specific clinical redesign and capabilities needed as defined by selected DSRIP projects Assess PPS-wide IT solutions and means for achieving incremental population health improvements in alignment with DY performance year objectives Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Initial Committee Work Clinical Review and inform Community Needs Assessment Provide feedback to State regarding data needs for project planning Help prioritize areas of focus and ensure community needs are effectively illustrated, and can be easily tied to DSRIP projects Refine DSRIP projects for PPS Balance community needs with PPS current capabilities and vision for population health Establish clinical standards and interventions for selected DSRIP projects Establish guidelines and clinical redesign by provider type for DSRIP projects Formation of borough workgroups Engage community providers in planning process Establishing local solutions to create care coordination hubs centered around patient population and provider centers Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Next Steps and Q&A
Network Gap Analysis & Provider Readiness Inform network refinement and performing provider participation criteria Help ensure providers have awareness of minimum expectations for DSRIP performance and infrastructure requirements for participation Informing pre-implementation planning for PPS Assess current performance and capabilities of providers Such as: IT, Care Coordination, Medical Management, Patient Engagement, decision support, use of evidence-based medicine What are the systems and process gaps that must be overcome each year to achieve meaningful transformation and DSRIP objectives? Information to be gathered via survey and information request State supports and requires a rigorous PPS provider selection and network formation process Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Surveys Outstanding & Upcoming CLOSED: Community Needs Assessment Framework Feedback PAC Nominations OPEN: PPS Partner Information (ongoing) IT Survey (part 1) UPCOMING: Community Needs Assessment (PPS providers) Community Needs Assessment (Community Stakeholders) Network Gap Analysis (Population Health Readiness) IT Survey (part 2) Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014
Thank you! Any questions or comments? Email the Mount Sinai PPS Team at Visit the Mount Sinai PPS website at Official CMS and State DSRIP documentation & guidance is posted on the Mount Sinai PPS website and the New York State Department of Health website Mount Sinai PPS / September 4, 2014