Laura Wood Team Leader –Strategic Planning 16 th February 2015 Little Gaddesden Parish Council Meeting
Update on Dacorum’s Local Planning Framework The Neighbourhood Plan Process Alternatives to a Neighbourhood Plan
Dacorum’s Local Planning Framework
Adopted September 2013 following independent Examination. Subject to legal challenge by developer GUI – Council successfully defended this challenge. Sets strategic planning context for the Borough. Comprises set of Borough-wide policies relating to housing, design, transport, jobs etc, plus ‘Place Strategies.’ Countryside Place Strategy covers Little Gaddesden.
Detail added to Core Strategy by… Site Allocations document
Early partial review of Core Strategy Will result in a new single ‘Local Plan’ for the Borough by 2017/18
Neighbourhood Plans
Key principles…… Can only be taken forward by town / parish Councils or formally designated ‘Neighbourhood Forums.’ Plan are intended to help establish locally specific planning policies relating to development and use of land within that area. Intended to promote, not prevent development. Final plan will be formally ‘examined’ and can only progress to local referendum if above conditions are met. Referendum requires a ‘Yes’ vote from majority of those who turn out to vote in the neighbourhood plan area to be agreed. If plan passes the referendum, the Borough Council is under a legal duty to bring it into force.
‘Basic Conditions’ Neighbourhood Plan must: have appropriate regard to national planning policies i.e. NPPF; contribute to the achievement of sustainable development; be in general conformity with strategic policies for the area i.e. Core Strategy; be compatible with human rights requirements; and be compatible with other EU obligations
DBC has a ‘duty to support’ but this will be limited to signposting information and carrying out statutory stages.
Lessons learned from Grovehill Neighbourhood Plan ‘Front runner’ – so ongoing support from Planning Aid and financial support fro Govt grants. Progressed by a ‘Neighbourhood Forum.’ Process began in October 2011 Meetings held every 4 weeks. At stage of drafting the plan. Has cost c5k so far. Expected to cost Forum an additional c10k. Main benefit of Neighbourhood Plans is the fact that they become part of the statutory development plan when adopted and area received 25% CIL receipts from development in the plan area.
The alternatives… Parish Plan Design Statement
‘Community Right to Build’ Introduced through Localism Act Aimed at allowing communities to bring about small scale development schemes for the benefit of their local area. Avoids the need to get planning permission in the usual way (though other permissions i.e. Buildings Regulations are still required). However, there are costs and time demands associated with process – need to acquire land or go into partnership with a developer who will acquire the land. Proposal is subject to a local referendum (same process as Neighbourhood Plan)
Planning application Policy CS7: Rural Area Small scale development generally acceptable for the redevelopment of previously developed sites provided that it has no significant impact on character and appearance of countryside and supports rural economy and maintenance of wider countryside. Policy CS20: Rural Sites for Affordable Homes Site needs support of Parish Council 100% of homes will normally be affordable: a small element of open market provision may be acceptable. Meets other specified criteria re need, occupiers, design and scale. Subject to meeting planning policies….
Any questions? Thank you