Priority and Focus Schools Allocation FY 2013 Hosted by: Office of School Support Children First ESEA Waiver Set-Aside Requirement FY 2012-2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Priority and Focus Schools Allocation FY 2013 Hosted by: Office of School Support Children First ESEA Waiver Set-Aside Requirement FY

Agenda ESEA Flexibility Overview Priority and Focus Schools Funding and Programmatic Requirements Schools Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Parent Engagement Guidelines Aligning Budget with School Improvement Activities 2

3 ESEA Flexibility Overview The existing accountability system has changed Beginning in the school year there are new accountability designations Funding and programmatic requirements have changed

What Does The Identification Mean? NYSED replaced: Schools In Need of Improvement, Corrective Action, & Restructuring These categories no longer apply as of June 30, 2012 New categories and criteria: Fewer schools selected with more focused support  Priority schools: 5% of schools Statewide  Focus schools: another 10% of schools Statewide 4

How Were Priority and Focus Schools Identified? Two big changes in identification process Fewer years needed to be identified Statewide comparison more important Priority Schools Previous PLA implementing a SIG OR Three years of graduation rates below 60% OR Bottom 5% statewide for combined ELA/Math Performance Index for the All Students Group Focus Schools bottom 5% on the NYSED Performance Index and/or graduation rate for the performance of at least one accountability group and not making progress, OR had the highest number of non-proficient results in ELA or math or non-graduate results or the highest percentages of such results within a district, OR were low-performing in the district or borough according to the NYSED Performance Index and/or graduation rate and the NYC Progress Report. 5

NYCDOE Resources DOE overview and webinars about the New York State approved ESEA flexibility request are available below: Review our ESEA Flexibility Waiver Request one page document for an overview of the NYSED request.ESEA Flexibility Waiver Request  Educator Guide to State Accountability Educator Guide to State Accountability  School FAQ School FAQ  ESEA Waiver Approval Training PPT - August ESEA Waiver Approval Training PPT - August 2012  ESEA Webinars ESEA Webinars ESEA Overview Part I - 6/21/2012 ESEA Overview Part II - 6/21/2012 ESEA Overview Part III - 6/21/2012 6

Priority and Focus Schools’ Funding and Program Requirements 7

Overall Key Changes for Priority and Focus Schools 1.Funding Federal funding set-aside requirements have changed under the waiver; schools will receive an updated School Allocation Memo reflecting these changes 2.Supplemental Educational Services (SES) No longer required under the waiver No federal funding 3. School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) Identified schools will construct a School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) that addresses all of the tenets outlined in the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness 8

Public School Choice NYC will continue to offer Public School Choice for students attending either Title I, Priority or Focus Schools 9

Supplemental Educational Services NYCDOE will no longer provide Supplemental Education Services (SES) 10

Expanded Learning Time (ELT) While schools should continue to provide focused supports for struggling students, the waiver gives schools more flexibility in funding those supports Schools that choose to provide tutoring programs can select from an array of contracted vendors Schools that choose to provide these services must pay with their own funding To use ELT vendor services, schools will need to go through the MTAC process ( CCCFD3/98026/MTACforWebinar.pdf ) CCCFD3/98026/MTACforWebinar.pdf Schools may also implement their own after school, Saturday or other programs when schools are not in regular session For further information:

Changes To The Set-Aside Requirement Schools no longer have to set aside 5% of funds for High Qualified Teachers (HQT) and 10% of funds for professional development Although the set asides are no longer required, schools must demonstrate that they have met Title I mandates of HQT and professional development Beginning in the school year, identified schools will be required to set aside specific funds for state-approved programs and services as well as parent involvement and engagement activities:  1% set-aside for parent involvement and 1% set-aside for parent engagement  Equivalent of 5% - 15% of Title I and II to support Allowable Activities for Improvement 12

Conceptual Consolidation Allocation Category Title I Priority and Focus School Wide Program (SWP) is eligible to be included in the pool of conceptually consolidated Federal, State and Local funds Schools must ensure that they meet the intent and purpose of the Title I Priority and Focus School allocation The intent and purpose of this allocation need to be detailed in the SCEP and Galaxy Table of Organization (TO) 13

Parent Involvement vs. Parent Engagement 14

Title I Parent Involvement Guidance Title I, Part A, Section 1118 requires the involvement of Title I parents in the review, planning and improvement of the school’s plan for improving student achievement including the joint development and agreement upon the parent involvement policy and is still applicable. Under Chancellor’s Regulation A-655, School Leadership Teams (SLTs) are responsible for facilitating this ongoing consultation process with Title I parent representatives regarding the school’s Title I program. The Department has developed resources for schools to help meet these ongoing parent involvement requirements which are available at erations/default.htm erations/default.htm 15

Parent Involvement Policy (PIP) The Title I parent involvement policy must include parent activities that align in support of student achievement goals in the SCEP These activities must be agreed upon by the school and Title I parent representatives and are funded using the school’s set-aside for parent involvement (a minimum of 1%) All Title I schools, including Priority and Focused schools must have a Parent Involvement Policy The PIP will be included in the SCEP template 16

Use of the Parent Engagement 1% Set-Aside Priority and Focus schools have been allotted an additional 1% set-aside for parent engagement These funds should be used to provide activities that will build and enhance meaningful partnerships between the school and families that support student achievement These activities should align closely with the “Partnership Standards for Schools and Families” recently adopted by the Department with a focus on: Fostering Communication Encouraging Parent Involvement Creating Welcoming Schools Partnering for Student Success Collaborating Effectively 17

School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) 18

The SCEP All Priority and Focused schools must complete the School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP) The SCEP assists schools to: Develop comprehensive improvement plans that detail how the school plans to improve instruction. Delineate their plans for annually increasing student performance through comprehensive instructional programs and services Enhance their plans for teacher and leader effectiveness Addresses the tenets outlined in the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE) ***The SCEP template with guidance is forthcoming*** 19

The Six Tenets of the SCEP Priority and Focus schools will have to address five of the Six Tenets of the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE): Tenet 1-District Leadership and Capacity (This will be addressed by Central in the DCIP) Tenet 2: School Leadership Practices and Decisions Tenet 3: Curriculum Development and Support Tenet 4: Teacher Practices and Decisions Tenet 5: Student Social and Emotional Developmental Health Tenet 6: Family and Community Engagement Schools will develop a goal and action plan for each of the these tenets 20

Statement of Practice (SOP) Schools respond to tenets 2-6 only 21

Statements of Practice (SOP) Each tenet includes 5 statements of practice (SOP) The SOP selected by the school for each of the tenets should align to the Major Recommendation Schools will not address Tenet 1 and SOP 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1 or 6.1 and these indicators will not appear in the SCEP template The SOPs indicated above will be addressed Centrally 22

Requirements of the SCEP Priority and Focused schools must cite the major recommendations from your most recent SED intervention which will form the basis of your needs assessment: SQR (School Quality Review-SED) ESCA (External School Curriculum Audit) SCRA (School Curriculum Readiness Audit) JIT (Joint Intervention Team) **Include the page number of the report For schools that did not undergo an SED intervention, use data that is available to conduct your needs assessment such as: NYCDOE Quality Review Progress Report data Learning Environment Survey NYS assessment data 23

Instructional Strategies/Activities Priority and Focus schools must ensure that the following areas are addressed in the instructional strategies/activities section of the SCEP Key Personnel who will implement these strategies Identify targets to evaluate progress and effectiveness Timeline for implementation Activities that encompass the needs of the identified subgroups 24

Activities Activities selected should align to the annual goal Activities captured in the SCEP must be aligned to the set-asides identified in Galaxy 25

FY13 Priority and Focus Allocations Program Selection in Galaxy 26

Table of Contents Aligning Budget with School Improvement Activities List of Activities in Galaxy Priority and Focus Allocation Categories and Scheduling Criteria Scheduling Activities in Galaxy Viewing Activity Information on the Table of Organization (TO) Assistance 27

Focus and Priority Schools must explicitly delineate their plans for annually increasing student performance through comprehensive instructional programs and services as well as their plans for enhancement of teacher and leader effectiveness. New program descriptions have been created in Galaxy to help schools identify the activities that align with their program plans. Schools may also identify allowable school improvement activities funded with other allocations using the new program descriptions. The Focus and Priority allocations issued in School Allocation Memorandum No. 70 must be scheduled on school TOs in Galaxy by November 9, Aligning Budget with School Improvement Activities

PF Common Core State Standards PF NYS Standards and Assessments PF Positive Behavior Management Programs PF Response to Intervention (RTI) PF Career and Technical Education (CTE) PF Academic Intervention Services (AIS) PF Advance Placement/International Baccalaureate (AP/IB) PF Advance International Certificate of Education (AICE) PF International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) PF College and Career Readiness PF Expanded Learning Time PF Inquiry Teams PF Parent Engagement PF Supporting Great Teachers and Leaders Program Activities 29 Schools that receive Priority and Focus funds should select the appropriate activity for the respective item they are scheduling in the Program field in Galaxy.

Six New Priority and Focus Allocation Categories and Scheduling Criteria in Galaxy 30

Identifying and Scheduling Priority and Focus Activities in Galaxy 31 To select Priority and Focus activities, you will need to click on the Program field and then scroll down to field that start with the letters “Pf”. Please note that these activities can be selected for any fund source. Schools should refer to SAM 70 regarding the amounts to set-aside.

Viewing Program Activity Information on the Table of Organization (TO) 32 To view the entire program name on the Galaxy Table of Organization, hover over the Program field.

Assistance Programmatic Concerns:  Schools should contact their CFN grant liaison.  CFNs should Issues with Scheduling Items:  Schools should contact their CFN grant or budget liaisons. System Error Messages:  Please contact the Galaxy Help Desk at 33