ASQ-3 and the 2-year review for London 23r March 2015
The role of ASQ-3 Part of the health element of IRs Administered and managed by health visiting teams Completed by parents Dual purpose: 1) To generate data for a population measure of child development at age two 2) Helps to identify children’s strengths and areas of need A starting point for discussion at HCP 2 year review/Integrated Review
From April 2015 health visiting teams will start using the Ages & Stages Questionnaires(ASQ-3™) as part of two year health reviews/integrated reviews E-learning is available now (with open access route) ASQ-3 TM British English adaptation distributed on CD-ROM to HV providers Health visiting teams will collect data – coverage from April 2015 and ASQ scores from October 2015 ASQ:SE to be incorporated at later stage Roll-out of ASQ-3
Benefits of population measure Build a broad picture of child development at age 2- 2½ Assess impact of services for 0-2s Inform future service provision Help track future outcomes
Train-the-Champion training programmes to support the London-wide implementation of ASQ and the two-year integrated review in accordance with DH and DoE recommendations - with representation from: o 19 London HV Providers (2 people max per organisation) o 9 Universities training London health visitors o 3 London HV training hubs ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE training will be delivered by Brookes Publishing US trainer Hollie Hix-Small Integrated two-year review training based on a successful collaborative implementation by HV Provider: Homerton with Local Borough: Hackney London HV training hubs to play a major role in sustaining the level of ASQ expertise and knowledge with HV providers ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE training will be delivered by Brookes Publishing US trainer Hollie Hix-Small recommended by Oxford Health from a previous successful ASQ training experience in 2014 ASQ E-learning training materials have been developed to support and prepare health professionals using ASQ-3 as part of the two year review and are accessible to all practitioners working with young children o Two 30-minute training sessions incorporating video clips from real life 2-2½ year reviews and practicalities of using ASQ-3; NHS England funding for: London-wide implementation support team including senior health visitor with ASQ-3 expert knowledge; train-the- ambassador training programme scheduled for February 2015; additional language versions of ASQ-3; and provider ASQ-3 play bags; ASQ-3 has been adapted from US English to British English and is available from DH direct to health visiting teams; DH are funding for: one CD-ROM for each HV comprising: ASQ-3 Questionnaires, a Quick Start Guide, a child monitoring sheet and a ‘What is ASQ-3?’ factsheet London Region ASQ Training
DH-funded CD-ROM containing ASQ British English materials being sent to each health visiting provider in London (one for each London Borough) London-wide implementation support team including project manager (in place) and senior health visitor with ASQ-3 expert knowledge o Senior HV interviews taking place on Monday 12 th January with an immediate start date for successful candidate Purchase of ASQ-3 review meeting play bags for each London HV provider London Local Authority ASQ-3 and integrated two-year review workshops scheduled in March 2015 followed by monthly Public Health/NHS England collaborative meetings to assist understanding of Early Years operating pressures and the transitioning of HV commissioning Implementation Support
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