National Cancer Screening Programmes Bowel Screening Breast Screening Cervical Screening
Cervical Screening Overview Delivered via Primary Care ( GP practices) Target – 80% of eligible women will have been screened in last 5 yrs All eligible women aged years – offered screening every 3 years. All eligible women aged years – offered screening every 5 years. Prior Notification List - from Primary Care Support Services ( PCSS) to GP Practice, completed and returned ( electronically – Open Exeter) Women sent letter of invitation. Women attends – result determines follow-up Non-attenders – 2 further invitations then non responder notification to practice. 2
Developments in CS Programme 14 Day Turn-around Zero Tolerance HPV Triage HPV Test of Cure HPV Vaccination Future HPV only testing Direct referral to Colposcopy ABC reporting terminology Vault Samples Pathway for Symptomatic Women < 25yrs Equity of Access Never Screened Project Social Media Campaign Standardised Training for all 3
Cervical Screening Coverage Data KC53 31 March 2013 Manchester PCT * Age Group Eligible Population (2013) No of women screened in last 5 years (2013) Percentage of women screened in last 5 years(2012) Percentage of women screened in last 5 years(2013) UP/DOWN (12 to 13) 80% shortfall (2013) Percentage of women screened in last 5 years (2013) North West %61.1%DOWN % %75.4%DOWN % %77.0%DOWN % %79.3%DOWN % %78.8%DOWN % %77.3%UP % %70.3%DOWN % %66.1%DOWN % %72.7%DOWN % 4
Reason Unlabelled Vial Major discrepancies Minor discrepan cies Below minimum age 24.5 years Below minimum age with abnormal bleeding Other Total number samples rejected Percentag e of GM Rejected samples No of Samples % 6 Zero Tolerance
Summary of the Breast Screening Pathway Eligible population is women aged 50 to 70 years Manchester eligible population is 45,973 women One of the main benefits is from screening at regular intervals – the recommended interval is to invite every 3 years The invite is not related to any woman’s date of birth. It is fixed to when the GP practice is invited. Once every 3 years all the women in this age range registered with one GP practice are invited to attend for breast screening. All promotional activities are most appropriate/effective when they are coordinated with each GP 3 year round. Each woman will have received an invitation by the time she is 53 years of age. Women over the age of 70 are not invited but can request an appointment every 3 years National study into benefits/harms of extending the invitation for screening to women aged 47 to 73. 7
How is breast screening programme organised? Across the country breast screening is delivered by breast screening programmes Each programme serves a population of between 500,000 and I million people Across the 3 Manchester CCGs the service is provided by Greater Manchester Breast screening programme, based at UHSM Public number The provider also delivers breast screening in Trafford, Oldham, Salford, Tameside and Glossop. 8
Minimum standard 70% 9
Breast screening Information for Professionals and Public Professional resources: summary of evidence base for breast cancer screening programmes Link to other websites – cancer screening Patient information : e-leaflet available on the website. Paper copies can be ordered from Department of Health. orderline telephone: Bowel and cervical screening programme resources under development 10
Bowel Screening Programme Bowel cancer screening aims to detect bowel cancer at an early stage (in people with no symptoms), when treatment is more likely to be effective. Bowel cancer screening can also detect polyps. These are not cancers, but may develop into cancers over time. They can easily be removed, reducing the risk of bowel cancer developing. The NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme offers screening every two years to all men and women aged 60 to 74. People over 75 can request a screening kit by calling the freephone helpline Target for coverage is 60% 11
Uptake Rates Uptake rates CCGJul-Sept 12Oct-Dec 12Jan-Mar 13Apr-Jun 13 Jul 12-Jun 13 (cumulative rate) Bolton59.93%54.62%52.63%52.21%54.34% Bury56.90%55.11%55.20%56.91%56.08% Central Manchester39.79%36.67%35.73%38.52%37.49% Heywood, Midd & Roch52.91%51.77%52.75%54.22%53.01% North Manchester45.90%41.88%39.44%43.98%42.79% Oldham56.18%53.04%51.92%54.37%53.81% Salford57.30%52.86%51.00%50.13%52.40% South Manchester45.74%41.35%43.52%41.60%42.89% Stockport56.22%52.36%53.10%53.39%53.63% Tameside & Glossop54.30%49.77%50.60%50.80%51.19% Trafford56.22%52.99%54.68%53.78%54.29% Wigan Borough61.75%56.06%54.12%53.61%55.87% Greater Manchester AT55.53%51.59%51.15%51.59%52.25% North West58.14%54.50%54.99%55.01%55.57% England58.86%57.59%58.59%57.70%58.18% 12
Positivity Rates CCGJul-Sept 12Oct-Dec 12Jan-Mar 13Apr-Jun 13 Jul 12-Jun 13 (cumulative rate) Bolton1.70%1.30%1.29%1.52%1.44% Bury1.20%1.14%2.31%1.55%1.56% Central Manchester3.32% 2.31%2.70%2.90% Heywood, Midd & Roch1.56%1.39%1.42%2.06%1.65% North Manchester1.67%1.49%2.26%2.36%1.98% Oldham1.55%1.43%2.08%1.57%1.65% Salford1.87%1.67%1.98%2.17%1.93% South Manchester1.74%2.40%1.85%1.50%1.88% Stockport1.33%1.26%1.51%1.44%1.39% Tameside & Glossop2.03%1.32%1.43%1.79%1.63% Trafford1.52%1.90%1.45%1.39%1.57% Wigan Borough1.84%1.63%1.62%1.58%1.65% Greater Manchester AT1.70%1.56%1.67%1.68%1.65% North West1.71%1.57%1.58%1.56%1.60% England1.84%1.85%1.63%1.79%1.78% 13