Thames View Infants Starting Reception at Thames View Infants Claire Smith EYFS Leader and Deputy Headteacher Paul Jordan, Headteacher
You’re in Good Hands! Helping everyone achieve their best!
Welcome We have four classes in our Reception year group. Miss Boyce Miss Patel Mr Ali Mr Wood Each class has 2 teaching assistants. Miss Smith also supports all Reception staff throughout the year.
What you’ll need for September: Clothes in “School Colours” PE Clothes and a small bag. White, grey, blue, black. More details on our website: Make sure everything has your child’s name on.
Starting School in September: Home visits for children new to our school and interviews in September for children who have attended Nursery. Reception Teachers have met most Nursery children already. Lots of similarities between Nursery and Reception. Children will start part time on Monday 13 th September Children will be full time on Monday 20 th September.
Starting School in September: The first day… Finish 11.45am Be on time at the end of the day You can call us if you are worried Talk to the teacher The second week… Full time 9.10am – 3.15pm if children are ready Talk to the teacher Bring a book bag
Coming to school every day! If your child is in bed, then keep them at home!
Coming to school every day! If your child is up and about, then it is likely that they are well enough for school. Ring us to check!
Coming to school every day! How we help…
Coming to school every day! '90%' attendance sounds high! BUT over a child's educational career, the missed 10% amounts to losing a whole academic year of schooling!
Under 95% (half-a-day absenteeism per fortnight) Under 90% (half-a-day per week) Under 85% (almost one day per week) Under 75% (almost a day-and-a-half per week) Every other child came to school every day last term! Nationally, on average, children are absent for less than ½ day in every six weeks! Coming to school every day!
Why come to school every day?
Holidays in Holiday Time School Closed = Family Holidays School Open = No Holidays
Holidays in Holiday Time Risk: The Borough’s Attendance Officer informed. Losing your child’s school place. Re-registering with the Local Authority for a new school place. Being Issued with A Fixed Penalty Notice (a fine).
What you don’t need! Lots of layers of clothes is unhealthy! A T-shirt and Jumper is enough!
Hot Dinners at Lunchtimes! Lunchtimes are balanced and healthy. Using a knife and fork develops co-ordination. Children require a hot meal. It helps children acquire more adventurous eating habits. It’s easier for us to monitor what your child eats.
What you can do to help: Make your child familiar with the notion of ‘coming to school’. Share books. Encourage your child to do things for themselves and practise being independent. Stay in touch with us online. Enjoy the holidays and have fun! Consider helping out in school?
What you don’t need!