SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES Save Our Green Spaces Presentation by Belinda Mifflin On Behalf of The Westlands, Seabridge & Clayton Residents Association The Green- Repton Drive & Rossall Avenue
INTRODUCTION What Was The Real Reason Behind Decision? Documents Provided Not In Line 2010 SHLAA –October 2010 ? Guild Hall-23 rd January th January Updated Version –Retrospective Need to Review-to ‘fix Sites in Tranche 1 Leys Drive 10 houses Repton Drive OPP Changed 3 dwellings to 1 SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES
TRANSPARENCY Letter 20 th January2010 To Reduced Costs To Enable necessary Developments-Housing Raise Funds Future Capital Programme Letter 16 th April Provide Range of Housing to Meet Local Need Enable Further Regeneration in the Borough Generate Capital Funding Capital Investment Why the change in Criteria?
SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES THE GREEN- REPTON DRIVE Harrowby Drive Estate 1960 Approved Plots sold on the basis of the original estate layout. Integral- green grass areas Desirable A green space for growing families to enjoy. Many of the original purchasers still live adjacent to OUR green. But now in their late 70’s, 80’s & 90’s A green space, which they can walk to, look out upon, life enhancing
SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES HEALTH BENEFITS We all know the benefits of green space. Letters of objection regarding the council’s sale of land surplus to requirements. Residents in their ’s DEFRA £300 per person per annum Our residents- Are entitled to access open space Human Rights-To remove this space would be against their human rights Discrimination under the Equality Act 2010
SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES LOCALISM BILL Soon to be enacted Ensure local people are involved (unlike this present debacle) Is this the real reason behind the obscene haste in which this scrutiny review is taking place? So Council can make the quick buck it needs- to purchase the Sainsbury’s site Lets hope our elected members are not just giving lip service to this Scrutiny Review Process We challenge you Listen with open ears- to your electorate!
SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES SAVE OUR GREEN SPACES PLANNING KEY FACTS Not in Development Plan PPS1 Clear Involvement of Communities PPG17 No Open Space Lost Without Audit PPS3 Brownfield over Greenfield Council Own Policy does not support this Enough Land for the next Five Years Land Values-Keele-Aspire-Stoke Canalside Repton Drive No development 100% complete