BRIANNA ALARCON APRIL/10/2012 SCIENCE 5 TH Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder. The process causes the body to use its own tissue as a cartiledge replacement.Tissue is full of nerves and can be very painful during movement.
How do you get rheumatoid Arthritis The only cause seen has been age. With age our body starts to slow, and shut down. So also with the old wise tale cracking your knuckles.
Does the body try to cure itself? No the body does not try to cure itself. Mostly the only time the body tries to cure itself is during an infection. This is an inflammation.
What medicines can you take to cure this? What medicines can you take to cure this? Well the answer is none there is no cure but there is treatment. Like antibiotics, steroids, and physical therapy.
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