Bacteria populations show sharp increase after charcoal addition Beijerinckia, Ogawa 1992 residential refuges for micro-organisms Glomalus Margarita germination.


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Presentation transcript:

Bacteria populations show sharp increase after charcoal addition Beijerinckia, Ogawa 1992 residential refuges for micro-organisms Glomalus Margarita germination higher than on soil Dr. Makato Ogawa 1991 nearly 3-fold increase biochar provides preferred habitat for soil microbes Research of special interest Soil Minerals click to continueBiochar

Charcoal in potting soil stimulates mycorrhizal fungi to become established on Dipterocarps root Effect of biochar on mycorrhizae Makato Ogawa Kansai Environmental Japan Research Soil Minerals click to continueBiochar

Mycorryhizal Fungi produce Glomalin a glue to aggregate soil particles Fertile Soil is “aggregated” improve water holding capacity, aeration, increase tilth, and boost biomass yields Biochar seeds aggregate formation to absorb dissolved organic matter through wet and dry cycles to build humus as long-term carbon storage Dr. Makato Ogawa Kansai Environmental Research Soil Minerals Terra Preta click to continue

Effect of Biochar on soybean yield, root growth and nodulation Makato Ogawa Kansai Environmental Japan Research Soil Minerals Terra Preta click to continue

Biochar added to Acacis manguim manguim seedlings at age 6 months, height & diameter significantly increased Siregar (2004), Forest & Nature Conservation Research & Development Center, Indonesia 0% 10% 15% 20% Research Soil Minerals Terra Preta click to continue

Research after: Oct growth of pine root & mycorrhizae formation started at 5 to 6 months after treatment Ogawa 1999 Kansai Environmental before: Sept results 13 months after treatment Biochar Benefits Existing Forest Soil Minerals Terra Preta click to continue In Japan, biochar to enhance plant growth isn’t experimental. Official government-approved soil management practice. Kansai Environmental, division of Kansai Electric, one of Japan’s largest power companies, has projects in Australia and Thailand using biochar in soil to create carbon credits. One million hectare soil restoration project in Australia to grow cash crops and create carbon credits.

Soil Summary Biochar is not a fertilizer broken down or decayed by weathering a food source for plants or insects digested by ordinary micro-organisms Biochar is stable, permanent and recalcitrant in soil for centuries a sponge to soak up and hold water and nutrients an adsorpent, to attract and hold nutrient ions refuge for microbes out of the soil solution preferred habitat for mycorrhizae Biochar internal storage space 100’s X more than external surface tremendously increases C.E.C. provides A.E.C. for crucial Phosphorus & Nitrogen provides permanent, stable residential space for microbes interacts with humic acids to form supra-molecules in soil