Dr. Sr. Rosamma John, ICM, Ph.D 1
Contrary to the common belief, elderly people do have sensual feelings and sexuality 2
Changes in sexual expression and preferred sexual activity may be common with advancing age 3
Sexual attitudes and behaviour in old age reflect a continuation of lifelong patterns 4
Negative attitudes learned at a young age may seriously impair the ability to enjoy sex in later life 5
Religious sanctions that restrict sex to the purposes of reproduction only, and ignore the importance of intimacy, love, and sexual pleasure for well-being, deny important human needs. 6
availability of a sexual partner, living circumstances of the couple, lack of privacy Sickness 7
Personal relationship with partner can improve with age Sex can be an important way of connecting 8
Improve mental and physical health. Increase lifespan. Solidify relationships. Give refuge Improve overall quality of life 9
Promotes intimacy between partners Physical, intellectual, and spiritual fulfilment Encourages open communication Dispels stereotypes about the elderly 10
The elderly do not want to be sexually active. Sexual interest decreases with age. The elderly are not capable or desirous of sex. Sexual dysfunction = the end of an active sex life. 12
Elderly sex is dysfunctional. Sexual performance is impossible for those with cognitive loss There is no risk of STDs and/or HIV. Do not need sex education or information 13
People who are ill or dying have no interest in sex Should be protected from sexual thoughts or activity due to potential harm. 14
Illness and/or decline of health (self or partner) Impotence Feelings of guilt (i.e. cultural and/or generational attitudes about sex) Widow’s Syndrome Lack of freedom 16
Lack of privacy Lack of a partner Fear of what others will think or say Inability to discuss issues and concerns with healthcare professionals Low self-esteem 17
Enhanced quality of life Increased self-esteem A sense of belonging Decreased loneliness Decreased depression Healing 19
Raised heart and breathing rates Restored energy Exercise of muscle groups Emotional intimacy is important for a satisfying sexual relationship Maintain overall fitness 20
Lack of Interest / Decreased Desire Self or partner not interested in having sex Hormonal changes (i.e. menopause and post menopausal status) may result in low sexual desire 22
Fear of pain and/or discomfort Cognitive decline and/or impairment Change in relationship status- single, divorced, widow(er), etc. 23
SEX never gets old Human sexuality is a natural, unique and integral part of every person’s identity (Heath, 1999; Kessel, 2001). We need to understand and change our attitudes towards sexuality of the elderly. 24