Chapter 3 Lessons Work with imported files Work with bitmap selection tools Learn about selection areas Select areas based on color FireworksChapter 3 2
Understanding Importing Can import many different file types Can select areas of pixels using different tools Can manipulate pixel selection Can flatten or merge objects and layers to reduce file size FireworksChapter 3 3
Lesson 1 Work with Imported Files In this lesson, you will: Import graphics with different file formats into a Fireworks document FireworksChapter 3 4
Lesson 1 Considerations for Importing Files Importing several images can increase file size FireworksChapter 3 5
Lesson 1 Using Different File Formats Copying and pasting Places image on Clipboard: consumes resources Dragging and dropping Does not place image on Clipboard: saves resources FireworksChapter 3 6
Lesson 1 Using Different File Formats Can determine how Photoshop files import Import tab of Preferences dialog box Can determine how vector objects import Vector File Options dialog box FireworksChapter 3 7
Figure 2 and Figure 3 Figure 2: Import tab in Preferences dialog box Figure 3: Vector File Options dialog box FireworksChapter 3 8
Lesson 2 Work with Bitmap Selection Tools In this lesson, you will: Use the marquee tools to select and change pixels in an image FireworksChapter 3 9
Lesson 2 Understanding Pixel Selection Tools Marquee selection: flashing perimeter around selected pixels Often called “marching ants” Selection is temporary but can manipulate pixels FireworksChapter 3 10
Lesson 2 Understanding Pixel Selection Tools Bitmap Via Copy: copies and pastes selected pixels Bitmap Via Cut: cuts and pastes selected pixels Both commands paste selected pixels as new object on active layer FireworksChapter 3 11
Lesson 2 Using the Marquee Tools Selects pixels in a specific shape Rectangle/Square Oval/Circle Properties Style Normal Fixed Ratio Fixed Size Edge FireworksChapter 3 12
Figure 12: Using the Oval Marquee tool FireworksChapter 3 13
Lesson 2 Using the Transformation Tools Scale tool: resizes Skew tool: slants along horizontal and vertical axes Distort tool: alters size and proportion FireworksChapter 3 14
Figure 11: Skew and Distort Samples Original object Skewed object Distorted object FireworksChapter 3 15
Figure 17: Rotating an object FireworksChapter 3 16
Lesson 3 Learn About Selection Areas In this lesson, you will: Select pixels in an image using the lasso tools FireworksChapter 3 17
Lesson 3 Using the Lasso Tools Define an exact pixel selection Lasso tool Works well on images with curves Tracing ability a plus FireworksChapter 3 18
Lesson 3 Using the Lasso Tools Polygon Lasso tool Works well on images with straight lines or asymmetrical outlines Creates marquee in stages by clicking mouse FireworksChapter 3 19
Lesson 3 Using Select Menu Commands Select Inverse Select Similar Feather Expand Marquee Contract Marquee FireworksChapter 3 20
Lesson 3 Using Select Menu Commands Border Marquee Smooth Marquee Save Bitmap Selection Restore Bitmap Selection FireworksChapter 3 21
Figure 23: Result of Smooth Marquee command Smoothing removes pixels from selection FireworksChapter 3 22
Lesson 4 Select Areas Based on Color In this lesson, you will: Add select areas of color using the Magic Wand tool Merge layers Flatten the image FireworksChapter 3 23
Lesson 4 Using the Magic Wand Tool Selects pixels based on color Tolerance Range of colors the tool selects Increasing tolerance increases the ranges of similar colors selected Select Similar command adds matching colors to selection FireworksChapter 3 24
Figure 26: Sample Magic Wand and Select Similar selections Tolerance 64 selects nearly all of grape Tolerance 16 selects some green grape pixels FireworksChapter 3 25
Lesson 4 Merging and Flattening Objects and Layers Helps to manage file size but objects are no longer editable Modify menu commands Merge Down Flatten Selection Flatten Layers FireworksChapter 3 26
Figure 31: Objects flattened on individual layers FireworksChapter 3 27
Summary Chapter 3 Tasks Work with imported files Work with bitmap selection tools Learn about selection areas Select areas based on color FireworksChapter 3 28