I-96 Reconstruction/Bridge Repair Project City of Livonia and Redford Township Wayne County May 10, 2013 Association of the Council of Western Wayne Yankee Airforce Museum, Van Buren Twp
MDOT’s Mission Providing the highest quality integrated transportation services for economic benefit and improved quality of life.
Introduction I-96 freeway originally opened in 1971 Has served community for over 40 years Has exceeded its service life
Meeting Purpose Update design progress Decision to close the freeway Review Construction Staging Obtain input on corridor aesthetics (landscaping, colors, etc.) Gather input on potential project/construction impacts
On March 1, 2012, MDOT hosted the first public meeting to present: General project information Eleven different options for maintaining traffic during construction, including the preference on whether to close the freeway or keep lanes open through the work zone How Did We Get Here?
More than 1,700 people responded to a survey asking which options were preferred: TO OPEN or TO CLOSE the freeway during construction 56 percent of respondents preferred full closure, favoring minimized construction duration How Did We Get Here?
MDOT is working with the following stakeholders to mitigate reconstruction concerns, including but not limited to: Wayne County City of Livonia Redford Township Detroit Water and Sewer Department Various School Districts Business Owners Residents What We are Doing
What We are Doing Rebuild / Upgrade Road Reconstruction Bridge Repairs Geometric Upgrades Drainage Freeway Lighting Signing Landscaping
Project Scope Rebuild / Upgrade Seven miles of eight-lane freeway Six full-service interchanges On and off ramps serving businesses and residential areas 37 Bridges Bridge work scopes range from minor rehabilitation to replacement
Project Scope Rebuild / Upgrade Freeway Lighting New lights will last longer and require less maintenance LED lamp options under evaluation Aesthetic Treatments for: Barriers, bridges, retaining walls, and mainline shoulders Bridge fencing Service drive fencing and paving Paint color selections for new/existing structures Right‐of‐way landscape plantings
Project Scope Rebuild / Upgrade Maintaining Traffic/Access to Freeway and Local System Detour around project site for through-traffic o I-94 to south o I-696 to north o Westbound connection at M-39 (Southfield Freeway) o Eastbound connection at I-275
Project Scope Rebuild / Upgrade Maintaining Traffic/Access to Freeway and Local System Local access across I-96 during Bridge Repair/Reconstruction o 31 of 37 bridges will be closed at various periods for construction o Six of 37 bridges will have partial closures o MDOT will ensure that no two adjacent bridges will be closed at the same time. As such, detours will be less impactful.
Project Scope Rebuild / Upgrade Relocate changeable message signs as needed Improve vertical clearance under at bridges and update freeway design Minimize impacts on existing walls
Project Scope Design Challenges Improve on and off ramp access to local roads Improve drainage on the freeway Flatten freeway side slopes
Third Public Meeting will be held in mid-2013 Present complete plan for construction, upcoming timelines and more details Continue to work with business owners, residents and motorists to address any concerns regarding the project Project Schedule Next Steps
Ways to voice your opinion: Project address: Facebook: Twitter: Web site: MDOT Taylor TSC : 6510 Telegraph Road, Taylor MI Phone: Contact Information
Questions? 17 Customer Service is Important Please take our customer survey: