Adobe Photoshop Elements photo editing software licensed for use on DEC computers can be purchased for home use by DEC staff Company name Name of professional photo edit software For education and home user (easier) Version number A link to this powerpoint A link to this printout
Start a new project 2 Click EDIT
Photoshop Elements window 3 1. To reset the window panels to look like this go to the Window menu and select Reset Panels 4. double-click PROJECT BIN to show or hide it for more screen space. The Project bin shows you thumbnails of all your open files. Double-click a thumbnail to bring to the front. 2. Click double-arrows to show Toolbar as single or double column 8. Colour picker 3. A black triangle in the bottom-right of a tool button means there are multiple versions – click and hold 5. The layers of the photo appear here. 6. Apply effects to all or selected parts of a photo 7. Undo as much as you want
The colour picker 4 7. Background colour 6. Switches between foreground and background colour 8. Resets to black and white 1. Foreground colour. Click to change. 2. Drag up or down in the spectrum to choose colour 3. Then click around in this square to choose shade or tint 4. New colour is shown here 5. Click OK to accept new colour
Zoom and hand tool 5 1. File menu, Open photo called “brush size”. 2. Click on “Zoom Tool” 4. Then click on page to zoom 5. Click on “Hand Tool” to move zoomed photo around in window 3. “+” to zoom in 7. “-” to zoom out 6. Or press the space bar to turn current tool into “Hand Tool”
Brush size and hardness 6 1. File menu, Open photo called “brush size”. 2. Click on “Brush” tool 5. Press the right square bracket key to make the brush bigger and… 3. Note brush icon and… 4. …its size. 7. Press the right square bracket and the shift key to make the brush harder and… 6. … left square bracket to make brush smaller. 8. … left square bracket and the shift key to make brush softer. 9. Have a go at matching brush size to the dots above.
Make a blank page 7 1. File menu, New, Blank File… 2. International Paper 3. For this exercise choose “A6” 4. Background should be white 5. Click OK 6. To rotate page click Image menu, Rotate (left or right)
Make a blank page 8 1. File menu, New, Blank File… 2. International Paper 3. For this exercise choose “A6” 4. Background should be white 5. Click OK 6. To rotate page click Image menu, Rotate (left or right)
Fix “red eye” problem 9 1. File menu, Open… and find photo called “red eye”. 2. right-click on background and duplicate layer 3. Click on Red Eye tool 4. Click into red eye 5. You can hide or show the top layer by clicking here 6. right-click and “Delete layer” if you don’t want layer anymore
Add text to photo File menu, Open photo called “sunset”. 2. Click on “Text” tool 3. Select font (Impact) 4. Select size (12) 5. Select white by clicking “default colours” and… 6. …switching to white here. 7. Click where you want the text 8. Note text appears as new layer 9. Hide or show layer by clicking here
Scale, move and rotate text Click on “Move” tool 2. Make sure you are working on the text layer. 4. To move text click and drag the text box 5. To rotate text drag the “curved handle” that appears when you hover mouse outside a corner handle. 5. To distort text press Control-T and then right-click on text to 3. To scale text drag a corner handle
Save edited photo File menu, Save 2. And Save As appears because… 3. …the original single layer JPG photo… 4. …has multiple layers. (JPG files can only have a single layer) 5. So if you want to keep the layers (to change things later) you must save as a Photoshop file (PSD), or… high quality (8), OK. 6. …flatten the layers by selecting JPG here 7. You can also flatten layers by right-clicking here
Feathering an edge File menu, Open photo called “lemons” 2. Click the “Lasso” tool 3. Make sure there is “0” feathering 4. “lasso” the lemons. 6. Then press Control-C to copy 7. Then double-click blank file in Project Bin (to bring it to the front) 8. And paste lemons onto blank page by pressing Control-P 9. Then repeat from step 3 with feathering set at 20px (pixels). 5. If you select the wrong bit, drop the selection by pressing Control-D
Feathering an edge File menu, Open photo called “lemons”
Distort a selection Select part of a photo 2. Press Control-T (to transform) 3. Then right-click on it and choose “Distort” 4. Then drag a handle
Remove spots Duplicate layer by right-clicking on background. 1. File menu, Open photo called “spots” 3. Select “Spot Healing Brush Tool” 4. Click on spot 5. Hide or show the top layer by clicking here
Remove wrinkles File menu, Open photo called “wrinkles” 3. Click on “Healing Brush Tool” 4. Set “healing colour” by holding down the ALT key and clicking then… 2. right-click and duplicate layer so you can check your work 5. …let go of the ALT key and “wipe” with the “healing colour”.
Make a vignette File menu, Open photos called “boy” and “girl” 2. Select “Elliptical Marquee Tool” 3. Set feathering to 20 pixels 4. Draw an ellipse around boy’s face 5. Move ellipse by dragging in the middle 6. Drop the selection (ellipse) if you don’t want it anymore by pressing Control-D 7. Copy ellipse by pressing Control-C 8. Switch to blank page and paste ellipse by pressing Control-V 9. Click “Move Tool” to move ellipse around page 10. Resize ellipse by dragging corner handles
Change colour of part of a photo File menu, Open photo called “kangaroo road sign” 2. Duplicate layer by right-clicking background 3. Click on “Quick Selection Tool” Drop a wrong selection by pressing Control-D Be careful not to touch any black area otherwise it will select that too. 4. Then drag in the yellow area until all the yellow around the kangaroo is selected. 5. Then select similar colours by going to the Select menu and choosing “Similar” 6. Click “Brush Tool” 6. Turn on “Colour Swatches” via the Window menu 7. Adjust height of panels by dragging here 8. Choose “Web Hues” and then choose a colour. 9. Then increase the size of brush and paint selected area with chosen colour.
Add part of one photo to another File menu, Open photos “baby” and “landscape”. 2. Click “Quick Selection Tool” 3. Drag to select baby, bit by… 4. …bit. 5. Note how you can select “-” to remove parts of a selection. 5. When all the baby is selected press Control-C to copy …see next slide 6. And then double- click on “landscape” in the Project Bin…
21 2. Click on “Move Tool” 1. Press Control-P to paste “baby” into “landscape”. 3. Move “baby” around “landscape” with Move Tool. 5. Rotate “baby” by dragging the “curved handle” that appears when you hover mouse outside a corner handle. 4. Resize “baby” by dragging a corner handle. 7. Control-T (to transform) and then right-click to choose skew or distort. 6. Flip “baby” by dragging this handle to the other side. Add part of one photo to another-2
Make a panorama File menu, New, Photomerge Panorama 2. Click Browse and open photos “TAFE1” and “TAFE2” 3. Click OK 4. right-click, Flatten Image 5. Click “Crop Tool” and crop image
Filters - Liquify File menu, Open photo “cow” 2. Filter menu, Distort, Liquify…
Purchase the software for use at home 1. Go to 2. Click on “NSW DEC SHOP” 4. Click “Add To Cart” and then “Check Out” 5. Accept the license agreement, then “Check Out” (again) and complete your payment details. 3. Click on “WAH” media Shop 24