The Pinching Method
Lesson Goals and Objectives Students will create a hollow bird using pinch and coil methods. Students will learn techniques for refining surface. Students will learn to translate perceived 2-D volume to a 3 dimensional form. The lesson integrates natural history with art. Students will personalize their work though the use of texture and glaze. Students will learn how to attach clay by using the score- and- slip method
Tools and Materials Porcelain clay and slip Flexible serrated metal ribs Flexible rubber ribs needle tool Small paddles Sponges Glazes Wax resist Soft natural-hair brushes Water to clean bisque
National Visual Arts Standards Understanding and applying media, techniques and processes. Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines. Using knowledge of structures and functions. Reflecting upon and assessing the characteristics of artwork. Choosing a range of subject matter, symbols and ideas.
1. Wedge the clay and form it into a ball
2. Put your thumb into the clay and start pinching gently then turn, repeat
3. Repeat until the entire pot is ¼ inch thick
4. Use a serrated metal kidney to score the top of the pot, then add slip
5. Push the ends together and smooth, then roll a coil and add it to the seam
6. Use a rubber or metal kidney to smooth the coil and the outside of the pot
7. Pull the tail end to stretch the clay
8. Add extra clay to the front by scoring and slipping. This will become the head.
9. Pull the beak out. You may need to add some water to your fingers.
10. Flatten the bottom so that it may sit on the table without rocking.
11. Smooth the entire outside surface 12. Add texture, wings, feathers, eyes, etc. to make it creative. 13. Poke a hole in the bottom to vent air so that it will not explode in the kiln. 14. Sign it on the bottom. 15. Bisque fire it. 16. Apply 3 layers of glaze, not on the bottom 17. Glaze fire it.