LES LETTRES How to pronounce these funny looking French words correctly
IN FRENCH… The last letter of a word is often not pronounced (e.g. Paris) Final « e » is always silent! Répétez: Céline, Philippe, anglaise, onze, treize Final « s » is almost always silent Répétez: Paris, Nicolas, Jacques, français, trois The letter « h » is always silent Répétez: Hélène, Henri, Thomas, Nathalie, Thérèse
LES CONSONNES FINALES The last consonant of a word is often not pronounced Répétez: Richard Américain Canadien Bien Deux
EXCEPTION! “C, R, F & L” are sometimes pronounced… (TIP: CaReFuL ) Eric, Daniel, Lebeuf, Pascal, Victor
WORDS THAT END -ER Words that end with “–er”, sound like accent aigu (“ay” sound) E.g. Roger, Olivier Fin (6 th gr.)
LES PRÉNOMS FRANÇAIS Take a look at the list of French names you’ve been given Go ahead and take 3 minutes to choose one & practice pronouncing the names!