Keeping your tires healthy Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Based on the Consumer Education Program provided by The Rubber Manufacturer’s Association (RMA) Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
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Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program 1. Promote better fuel economy 2. Improve the life expectancy of the tire Help promote safe handling Of the vehicle.
Significant under inflation occurs in an estimated 27% of passenger cars and 32% of pickup trucks, SUVs and minivans. A tire can lose as much as 50% of its inflation pressure and still appear to be ok. Inflation pressure in a tire increases or decreases 1-2 pounds for every degree of temperature change. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Weight is concentrated on the tread just under the sidewalls. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
AAs the tire rolls, the sidewall flexes continuously and heats up. HHeat buildup causes stress that will cause the tire to blow out through the sidewall
Tire pressure is transferred unevenly to the center treads of the tire Tire becomes more susceptible to road hazard damage (pot holes, debris) Decreased traction causes vehicle handling problems. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
HOW MUCH PRESSURE Is the RIGHT pressure? ?
Specific for each tire on each vehicle. Listed by the manufacturer On the door edge or door post On the glove box or fuel door In the owner’s manual. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Location of the tire Size of the tire Pressure of the tireLoad distribution Maximum load
Even the heat caused by driving one mile can change the pressure level Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
OOnce a month? WWhen you have the oil changed? EEvery 3000 miles? WWhen the tires look low?
Remember to check it COLD Visually inspect the tires to assure there are no nails, rocks or other objects embedded in the tire that could cause a leak. Check the sidewalls to assure there are no gouges, cuts, bulges, or other irregularities. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Nitrogen can be used in place of compressed air. Nitrogen does not seep through a tire as quickly, so aids in tire pressure retention. Will not slow down other sources of potential pressure loss (damaged tires, faulty valve) Pressure still needs to be checked once a month. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
When the four wheels are not aligned properly Vibration occurs There is uneven and rapid tread wear. THE ALIGNMENT SHOULD BE CHECKED PERIODICALLY Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Rotation helps prevent uneven tire wear. The pattern of rotation differs depending on the location of the drive wheels. Follow the recommended rotation pattern for your vehicle. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
In lieu of specific vehicle recommendations, tires should be rotated every miles. Check the tire pressure after rotation. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
The TREAD is what creates traction on the road, particularly in bad weather. 9% of the tires on the road are “bald.” Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Most tires should be replaced when 2/32 of an inch remains on the tread. Tires have “wear bars” built into the treads (small strips of smooth rubber that, when visible, shows it is time to replace the tire) One easy method to check is with a penny… Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
If any of Lincoln’s head is covered, there is enough tread.
The direction that you are going is called the vector Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program When a blowout occurs, the force is applied from the site of the blowout, pushing the vehicle out of the direction that it is going.
Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program As a result, control of the vehicle is lost you cannot “steer” yourself out of the spin.
Acceleration maintains the direction of motion and avoids loss of control After a couple of seconds, gently and smoothly release the accelerator pedal. The drag force of a completely flat tire is so potent that pushing the gas will not allow the vehicle to go faster. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Do not try to pull over right away… stay in your drive lane until you have full control Engage your turn signal and gently turn toward the shoulder of the road that's on the same side as the blown tire Allow the car to coast down to as slow a speed as is safe (30 mph )
Tread separation is more dangerous than a blowout. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
When the tread rubber and underlying steel belt partially or completely come off the tire it becomes a “Weed Eater” with a blade of steel-backed rubber. Spinning around at about 1,000 rpm, it can scythe through the fuel tank, brake lines, inner fender panels, rear seats, side windows and, of course, flesh and bone. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
When the tread leaves the tire, the bad noise stops and some people think the car has magically cured itself. But instead of rolling along on rubber, they're riding on fabric. Polyester will offer little grip when they take that next freeway off-ramp.
If you hear a consistent thumping noise or a slapping sound stop immediately and check the tire. If you can see damage, put on the spare before proceeding. Even if you don’t see damage, immediately slow down and take the tire to a professional for inspection.
If the tread begins to fly off: Squeeze the gas pedal for an instant and gently release it. Drive straight down your lane. Allow the car to coast down as much as is safely possible. You will likely have to apply the brakes lightly in order to reach a safe turning speed. Engage your turn signal and smoothly turn toward the shoulder of the road that's on the same side as the damaged tire. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
IINACTIVITY When out of service for a long period of time, blocks should be put under the axles so the tires bear no load during the storage period. PProtect the tire/wheel assembly from direct sunlight with an opaque waterproof covering. CContinue to check the COLD pressure in the tires once a month, including the spare.
RUBBER HARDENS WITH AGE In most cases, RV tires need to be replaced because of age rather than wear. The average life of an RV tire is 6 years. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Manufacturer’s date is molded into the sidewall. Look for the DOT before a string of numbers. The last 4 digits indicate The number of the week (01=January, 52=December) The number of the year (10 = 2010) (Thus DOT2407 indicates production in June 2007 Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Check the manufacturer’s date Before you purchase A new tire ! Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
OVERLOADING Certification labels provide the following information : 1. Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) 2. Gross Axle Weight Ratings/axle (GAWR) 3. Tire and Rim Sizes 4. Recommended Cold Tire Inflation Pressures Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
1.Vehicle frame 2.Brakes 3.Axles 4.Rims 5.Tires
GVWR : Gross Vehicle Weight Rating: The maximum weight (including vehicle, cargo, liquids, passengers) that the chassis are designed to support. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
GAWR: Gross Axle Weight Rating The maximum weight that components of each axle are designed to support. This is determined by the LOWEST design capacity of any component. Increasing the capacity of any component on that axle (i.e. tires) will not increase the GAWR. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
GCWR: Gross Combined Weight Rating (TOWING RATING) Maximum allowable total loaded weight of the motor vehicle and any trailer it is towing. GCWR – GVWR = Allowable weight for the towed vehicle. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
GVW: Gross Vehicular Weight The Actual weight of a fully loaded vehicle (vehicle, cargo, liquids/fuels, passengers, towed vehicles, tongue weight, etc.) GVW must not exceed the GVWR Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
GAW: Gross Axle Weight Actual weight of a fully loaded vehicle carried by a single axle. Though the weight of the total axle may be within the axle’s rating, it may be overloaded on one side. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
An RV or Travel Trailer should be weighed fully loaded. Scales can be found at moving or storage lots, Farm suppliers with grain elevators, gravel pits, recycling companies and commercial truck stops. There are techniques to measure all the different weight categories. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program
Excess weight can cause spring, shock absorber or brake failure. Can develop steering and handling problems. Can cause uneven tire wear, tire failure Can cause difficulty in stopping, particularly on inclines. Indiana FCRV DAT/Safety Program