The Organizational Health and Strategic Planning of Cabell Midland High School June 8, 2009 David M. Tackett, Principal
Organizational Health Dimensions: Goal Focus Communication Adequacy Optimum Power Equalization Resource Utilization Cohesiveness Morale Innovativeness Autonomy Adaptation Problem Solving Adequacy These are the Big Three: Improvement in these areas indicate that the organization health of the school will support an increase in student achievement.
MR. TACKETT DEPARTMENT HEAD (OPERATIONAL) ADVISORY TEAM CURRICULUM ADVISORY TEAM Matt Stead Linda Chapman Pam Artrip Joedy Cunningham Mary McClure David Tackett CURRICULUM ADVISORY TEAM: Shared Decision Making in Curriculum Enhancement, Instructional Strategies, Professional Development, School Policies, etc. OPERATIONAL ADVISORY TEAM: Operational agenda, schedules, student discipline, etc. SAFETY DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE Cabell Midland High School Faculty ADMINISTRATIVE TEAM Chris Baker Kelly Daniels Jeff Jones David Hetzer Joedy Cunningham EnglishForeign La.MathScienceSocial Stud.FACSBusinessArtMusicCounselorPhysical Ed.HealthTechnologySpecial Ed. Student Counsel
Curriculum Advisory Team Will meet no less than every other week. Notes will be taken and published via for each meeting. Mr. Cunningham. Teachers may express concerns for consideration on a curriculum concern form. Teachers will have input on the agenda for the curriculum advisory team.
7 Cabell County Public Schools Data Analysis Report for Cabell Midland High School June 8, 2009
8 Areas the school is doing well in: State Test Participation All reported students and subgroups exceeded the NCLB Growth Target (95%) in both Grade 10 Reading and Mathematics assessments. Graduation Cabell Midland High School's graduation rate exceeded the annual NCLB Target (80%) by 1.8%, however, the school's graduation rate declined 4.8% from to AP Courses The average percent of Grade 11 advanced placement courses in Cabell Midland HS exceeded the state average by 1.6% from to AP Test Takers The average percent of Grade 11 advanced placement test takers in Cabell Midland HS exceeded the state average by 24.7% from to The average percent of Grade 12 advanced placement test takers in Cabell Midland HS exceeded the state average by 11.1% from to ACT Composite Scores From to , Cabell Midland High School's average ACT Composite score was 21.2 compared to 20.5 for the state.
18 Grade 10 Reading Assessment
19 Grade 10 Mathematics Assessment
20 Grade 10 Science Assessment
Cabell Midland High School Our New Strategic Plan “A Vision of Improvement and the Dawn of a New Era”
Strategic Planning Committee Matt Stead Don Scalise Mary McClure Linda Eplin Linda Chapman Bindu Mannan Pam Artrip Joedy Cunningham David Tackett Loretta Hayes
Priority Goal #1 Cabell Midland High School will implement programs that support the integration of relevant activities for students, in and out of the classroom, that reinforce core learning
Priority Goal #1 Action Step # 1 Cabell Midland High School will develop and implement a staff development plan that will help to ensure the incorporation of Differentiated Instruction (DI), Project-Based Learning(PBL), and Stretch Learning (Quadrant D)in each and every classroom. Evidence of Exemplary Practices will be an increase in AP, dual credit, honors and EDGE credit courses. Additional evidence may be an increase in participation in projects like science fairs, social studies fairs, Cabell County Honors Program, and senior projects.
Priority Goal # 1 Action Step #2 Cabell Midland High School will begin to develop “Schools within a School” by developing a variety of Academies that will enhance the opportunity to aggregate students and teachers with common interests. (Examples: Engineering, Medical, Journalism, and Law Academies)
Priority Goal # 1 Action Step # 3 Cabell Midland High School will establish a relationship between the school and local businesses in order to facilitate internship programs, develop awareness of career skill needs, include more guest speakers and develop mentor relationships for students.
Priority Goal # 1 Action Step # 4 Develop meaningful relationships between staff and students in order to facilitate a sense of belonging and in order to increase the engagement of students in their own learning.
Priority Goal #2 Cabell Midland High School will integrate and support the collaborative and co-teaching models to increase special education student achievement.
Priority Goal # 2 Action Step # 1 Cabell Midland High School will gather data and input on special education needs from the special education staff in order to include them completely in the improvement plan.
Priority Goal # 2 Action Step # 2 The creation of a staff development plan to implement the best practices utilizing co- teaching and professional collaboration.
Priority Goal # 2 Action Step # 3 More effective management of special education paperwork to include IEPs completed in a timely manner, child count deadlines and a possible reduction of paperwork with the implementation of Edline reports.
Priority Goal # 2 Action Step # 4 Review the Freshman Academy collaborative model (special education) to see if possible improvements can be made.
Priority Goal # 2 Action Step # 5 Recruitment of qualified Special Education teacher through Job Fairs.
Priority Goal # 3 Cabell Midland High School will promote and increase student participation in a variety of school activities.
Priority Goal # 3 Action Step # 1 We will provide student voice in decisions that affect student activities through an elected student council.
Priority Goal # 3 Action Step # 2 Each student will participate in a club, intramural or extracurricular activity by
Priority Goal # 4 Cabell Midland High School will improve communication within the school and community through a variety of interactive methods.
Priority Goal # 4 Action Step # 1 Cabell Midland High School will provide staff development in the use of all available communication resources.
Priority Goal # 4 Action Step # 2 Improve the relationship between the administration and staff through improved communication. – Department meetings in the main office conference room. Meeting notes. – Provide social interaction opportunities for the faculty on faculty senate days
Priority Goal # 4 Action Step # 3 Improve school to home communication – More use of the new phone system – Reinvent Open House – Online Newsletter – Make Announcements Using Edline
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES TO SUPPORT TEACHING AND LEARNING Develop sufficient time for teacher collaboration. Develop counseling structures to support the plan. Develop policies/procedures to promote attendance and student engagement. Examine scheduling options. Examine district transportation schedules. Action Steps: teachers and administrators will participate on district wide committees to: