Emergency Management Midland County City of Midland M. Dale Little Midland County Fire Marshal Emergency Management Coordinator Patrick Repman Division Fire Chief Midland Fire Department Deputy Emergency Mgmt. Coordinator
Mitigation, Prepardiness, Response, Recovery Work with all agencies and coordinate the activities during all disasters, manmade, weather, natural or terrorism. Being an Emergency Management Coordinator is like trying to balance rubber balls on top of each other or herding cats.
Emergency Management came from the days of the Civil Defense and before 9/11/2001 we were just something that most people tolerated.
After the 9/11 attack Emergency Management came more to the front and today we are in the front lines with the 4 phases of emergency management.
Hurricanes Texas responds to the threat of hurricanes and like few other states prepares the entire emergency response community to respond.
Fires in West Texas 2008 Texas Forest Service On January 12, 2008 the Texas Forest service came in from Ft. Stockton to help with a large wildland fire in Dawson County and they are still here. These fire fighters have come from all over the United States and will be here until September if the same weather patterns continue.