Location:Where are we? By: Kristie Mraz
Where in the world are we? We live in North America.
Where in the United States are we?
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF LOCATION 1. ABSOLUTE- An exact position on the Earth’s surface 2. RELATIVE- A position that is relative to another position
SOUTH DAKOTA Midland is in Haakon county
ABSOLUTE LOCATION o Can be described as exact latitude and longitude. EXAMPLE: N W o Can also be described as an address. EXAMPLE: 101 MAIN STREET, MIDLAND SD, 57552
Midlands relative location Welcome to Midland Midland is located between Rapid City and Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
RELATIVE LOCATION Is described with distances, time, or directions. EXAMPLE:Midland is 2 hours east of Rapid City and 3 ½ hours west of Sioux Falls. Rapid City Sioux Falls Midland