Steve Farr Employment Access Manager Birmingham City Council Buying Better Outcomes 7 March 2013 Mainstreaming equality considerations in procurement – Birmingham case study
why we must succeed… Index of Multiple Deprivation over 250,000 living in priority / at-risk neighbourhoods 50% of people out of work have no qualification twice as likely to get work if you have a low level qualification than if not at all legacy of weak literacy and numeracy amongst adult population
Worklessness why we must succeed… highest of the core cities! in some parts of the city, 1 in 3 people are out of work 235 priority super output areas within key neighbourhoods impacts on economic growth, community cohesion, health etc
the strategy… The Big City Plan is driving forward the next 20 years of development - £17 billion investment with the aim of creating 43,000 jobs: - Inward Investment - Integrated Employment and Skills - Tackling Worklessness – priority SOAs (targeting areas of highest unemployment), priority customer groups, e.g. NEETs
a co-ordinated approach… Integrated Employment and Skills model Improved client engagement Individual Assessment Commissioned / tailored programmes matching skills need to job content / skill requirement, addressing barriers to employment and including post employment support for individuals J O B S Active involvement of employers in programme design Detailed scoping of job content / skill requirement Improved employer engagement
using the Council’s influence… Procurement Policy Framework for Jobs and Skills BCC Cabinet adopted July 2010 – harnessing the local authority’s buying power, all new framework contracts and service & construction contracts with annual value over £1m Business Charter for Social Responsibility – broadening the business ‘ask’, e.g. help us with work in schools Planning Agreements – individual ‘Section 106’ examples agreed, moving towards a Supplementary Planning Document …lead to Targeted Recruitment & Training (Jobs & Skills) Agreements with developers / employers – engage businesses through FIIB platform, to enable local businesses to win more contracts… Building Jobs in Birmingham – a co-ordinated multi-agency approach to the construction sector
new Library of Birmingham… £193 million – internationally acclaimed architects Mecanoo “as a Midlands-based contractor, we want to create local jobs for local people…” Simon Dingle, Operations Director, Carillion Centenary Square, between the REP and Baskerville House Completes in 2013
LOB - embedding the process… Commitment from Carillion Senior Management Team Targets agreed at the outset (250 local jobs, inc. 25 Apprenticeships) Funded Training Cabin Early wins – Enabling Works on site Training & Employment Charter – signed
LOB - embedding the process… Agreed EAT employment process adopted Commitment of partners – BCC, Jobcentre Plus, 1 st tier sub-contractors, LSC (SFA) Targeted Recruitment & Training Project Steering Group (chaired by City Council) – meets every month to oversee…
LOB - embedding the process… Targets embedded in Carillion’s Procurement Strategy – contractual requirement, KPI assessment regime, gains Supply Chain commitment EAT/Carillion meetings with each sub- contractor – timelines and strategy NSAfC status (workforce development – qualifications, basic skills, school visits, talks, work experience – all adds to project) and WMCCE demonstration project
Achievements to date… 81 apprentices – over 3 times original target! 225 local labour ‘pledges’, 235 achieved …total to date – 316 achieved against target of 250! 25+ sub-contractors ‘bought-in’ to methods, contract conditions + winning ‘hearts & minds’ PR opportunities – Case Studies, politician visits, 100 th person etc ‘MAKING JOBS A REALITY’ (CARILLION) Introduction This document is designed to highlight the strategic, managed approach Carillion have adopted on the Library of Birmingham with Birmingham City Council’s Employment Access Team. Shared culture, collaboration and commitment with all members of the project partnership have allowed the Library of Birmingham to ‘Make Jobs a Reality’. Foreword Shilpi Akbar, Assistant Director, Regeneration, BCC “Carillion's commitment to employment and training has had a tremendous impact on the lives and aspirations of Birmingham residents. Through the partnership with the Employment Access Team fantastic employment opportunities have been made available to previously unemployed people setting the benchmark for other projects that will continue beyond project completion.” Simon Dingle, Operations Director, Carillion UKC “The client’s aspirations for raising the bar on Employment and Training on this project were significant. Working with Birmingham City Council and the Employment Access Team we have had the opportunity to provide a special legacy for the Library of Birmingham long after the project is complete.”
Achievements to date… “Well Done” Awards – positive impact, recognising outstanding commitment & achievements NSAfC – Construction Skills recognise LOB as leading project Legacy planning – presentation to CWM contractors, booklet, DVD, trialling BJB practices
other opportunities… public / private sector investment Birmingham Gateway New Street Station John Lewis & Grand Central Birmingham Supermarkets, e.g. Longbridge & Barnes Hill New Midland Metropolitan Hospital Highways Maintenance PFI – biggest contract of type in Europe Expansion of International Airport Midland Metro Extension & HS2 over 40,000 new jobs being created
partnership is key… Cascading opportunities - forming partnerships with client engagement providers (DWP Work Programme providers, FE Colleges etc) Employer Engagement (job capture) vital Employer co-operation, examples – Carillion, Amey, EMCOR, Tesco… Commitment from strategic partners – JCP, SFA, Colleges & training providers, developers & community organisations Creating ‘pathways’ to the jobs, using Pre- Employment Training + GIs Demonstrating BCC ‘means business’
exceeding expectations…