County Overview Services and Finances April 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

County Overview Services and Finances April 2008

County of Simcoe

Background  Established in 1843  Consists of:  7 Towns – Bradford West Gwillimbury, Collingwood, Innisfil, Midland, New Tecumseth, Penetanguishene and Wasaga Beach  9 Townships – Adjala-Tosorontio, Clearview, Essa, Oro-Medonte, Ramara, Severn, Springwater, Tay and Tiny  The cities of Barrie and Orillia are separate from the County both politically and administratively although the County provides significant services to both

 480,000 hectares (4800 sq. km or 1,186,080 acres) make up the County of Simcoe  Second largest County based on population and third largest County in Ontario based on physical size  Total County population (2006 Census Canada) :  263,515 excluding Barrie and Orillia  422,204 including Barrie and Orillia County of Simcoe

 Approximately 12,545 hectares (31,000 acres) of County Forests  500 km (311 miles) of shoreline  850 km of roads, 1700 lane km, over 180 bridges and structures and over 40 major signaled intersections  Over 1,600 full and part-time employees  Over 8 million visitors annually to Simcoe County County of Simcoe

The County of Simcoe provides a range of key municipal services to the sixteen member municipalities that make up the County as well as the single tier municipalities of Barrie and Orillia including:  Mandated Services:  Ontario Works  Social Housing  Children’s Services  Long Term Care  Paramedic Services  Environmental Services (solid waste management)  Planning  Emergency Management County of Simcoe

The County of Simcoe provides a range of key municipal services to the sixteen member municipalities that make up the County as well as the single tier municipalities of Barrie and Orillia including:  Directed Services:  Roads  Forestry Management  Library  Simcoe County Tourism  Museum  Archives  By-law Enforcement County of Simcoe

Other County Funded Services:  Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)  Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit  Hospital Alliance  2008 Expenditures:  MPAC: $4.2 M  SMDHU: $3.3 M  HA: $3 M County of Simcoe

Costs (2008 Budget)  In 2008 the cost to deliver County services = $440 million  2008 County tax levy = $90 million  2008 Waste Management Levy = $18 million County of Simcoe

Major issues facing the County today  Growth  Social Services  Infrastructure funding – roads, bridges, facilities  Solid waste management  Long term care  Paramedic Services  Hospital funding  Further provincial downloading County of Simcoe

County of Simcoe Growth Management A New Way to Do Business April 2008

Growth Management Study

 Sets objectives for 2031 for population, employment, and style of community  Municipal Official Plan’s must comply by June, 2009  Must be reviewed at least every five years Growth Plan, Places to Grow

The New County Official Plan  Population and employment allocations for the 16 towns and townships within context of “Simcoe and area”  Alternate density and intensification targets  Employment nodes

Community Structure (Allocations)  Population growth – 228,400  Employment growth – 70,500  Factors – existing Official Plan commitments, growth rates

Intensification  30% County wide average  40% in New Tecumseth, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Innisfil, Collingwood, Penetanguishene, Midland

Greenfield Densities  40 persons and jobs per hectare County wide average  50 persons and jobs per hectare for New Tecumseth, Bradford West Gwillimbury, Innisfil, Collingwood, Penetanguishene, Midland

Healthy Communities  Compact form/walkability  Active transportation systems  Transit systems  Green space conservation  Complete community

Plan for Walking and Cycling  Strategic Direction –  Encourage local policies for sidewalks/trails  Encourage Active Transportation Plans  Permit Active Transportation on some County Roads  Develop standards for on road Active Transportation infrastructure based on roadway classification  Focus on off road trail network – linking to existing community trails  Incorporate Active Transportation infrastructure into County Road improvements

County of Simcoe Health & Lifestyles

Health & Lifestyle Planning Purpose: Identify considerations in land use Planning to:  Promote Healthy Lifestyle Choices  Improve Health Status of Simcoe County Residents  Provide recommendations for Policy/Framework

Partnerships in Health Planning

 ↑ Heart Disease  ↑ Diabetes  ↑ Cerebrovascular Disease  ↑ Motor Vehicle Collision-associated Injuries  ↑ C.O.L.D.  ↑ Colorectal Cancer  ↑ Breast Cancer Simcoe Muskoka vs. Ontario Hospitalizations

Precursors:  Ability to be Physically Active  Air Quality  Access to Good Nutrition  Access to Health Care  Poverty & Access to Social Services Health Impacts of the Built Environment

Key Features of the Built Environment  Transportation  Active Transportation, Design, Access  Green Spaces  Gardens, Recreation Areas, Playgrounds  Public Spaces  Recreation Centres, Concert Halls, Theatres, Schools & Colleges  Availability of Healthy Consumer Options  Health Care Services

Planning Recommendations 8 Key Planning Areas  Complete Communities  Environmental Protection  Green Space Development  Health Care Services  Safety  Transportation  Urban Development  Walkability

Planning Recommendations 6 Categories of Responsibility  Provincial Policy/Actions Required  Conservation Authorities  Local Municipal Responsibility  Places to Grow Document  Transportation Master Plan  Official Plan Review - Recommendations

Planning Recommendations Highlights  Pedestrian-friendly developments  Mixed-use neighborhoods – encourage socialization  Locate commercial/business closer to residential  Protect Green Spaces  Joint funding initiatives – Improve Parks & Green Spaces  Preserve tree cover & open spaces  Natural Heritage considered in road design

Planning Recommendations Highlights  Include playgrounds, recreational facilities in community design  Incorporate common areas, meeting places and open spaces to create social interaction  Place parks in areas that are safe, accessible within 10 minutes walk – away from high traffic areas  Design to include open spaces such as parks, trails, greenways, gardens and heritage space

Planning Recommendations Highlights  Provide bike lanes on streets, bridges & tunnels  Calm traffic by narrowing streets, installing traffic circles, speed bumps etc.  Include street lights  ↑ cross-walks  Integrate landscape trees into commercial/residential areas  Preserve forest, farmland, wetlands, marshes etc.