June 2, 2009 AIP 6 Update Improving the Intransit Safety and Security of AA&E within Foreign Military Sales Channels Brion Midland Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) – (OSD Policy)
December 11, Tasks Implementation Steps The principal stakeholders and designated organizations will take the following steps to complete this effort: 1.The ad hoc AA&E committee will identify agencies and organizations that play a role in establishing or enforcing the handling of hazardous materials at contractor facilities before officially entering the foreign military sales (FMS) system or before acceptance into the DoD inventory. 2.With the agencies and organizations identified, the AA&E committee will gather all pertinent policies, guidance, regulations, and other documents. 3.The AA&E committee will review the current documentation and evaluate the adequacy of the current procedures and organizational involvement.
December 11, Tasks (continued) Implementation Steps (continued) 4.The AA&E committee will recommend changes to policies, guidance, and procedures to ensure safety and security criteria are applied consistently across all segment of the logistics chain—whether under the direct control of DoD or its contractors—including FMS. In addition, the AA&E committee will assess whether new roles or missions should be assigned or realigned based on the new relationships established via the Interagency Forum Concept of Operations (CONOPs) (established in AIP 4). 5.The AA&E committee will assign stakeholder representatives responsible for the affected policy area to draft and coordinate required changes to policies, regulations, or legislation to correct the issue.
December 11, Key Participants Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) –Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) Department of State – Directorate for Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) DHS – Customs and Border Protection (CBP) OSD Transportation Policy (OSD-TP) DTSA Defense Security Service (DSS) United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) –Air Mobility Command (AMC) –Military Sealift Command (MSC) –Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point (MOTSU) US Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC) US Air Force Security Assistance Command (AFSAC) US Navy Inventory Control Point (NAVICP) –NAVAIR Dover Air Force Base (FMS Coordinator) US Army Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command (AMCOM) Joint Munitions Command (JMC)
December 11, Current Progress MILESTONECOMPLETION DATE LMI Assessment of safety and security ofMAY 2008 AA&E while in Foreign Military Sales (FMS) distribution channels Present Assessment Findings &JUNE 2008 Recommendations to Interagency Coordination Group Review LMI Assessment Report FindingsOCT 2008 and Recommendations
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS Incorporate reference of appropriate DoD MIn final staffing and DTR into FMS Security Assistance Managementwith Defense Manual (SAMM) Transportation chapterSecurity Service Finalize new requirement for TransportationSame as above Plan (TP) for unclassified FMS AA&E shipments Require FMS purchasing country to include intra -Incorporated into country transportation legs in TPSAMM change in staffing
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS Continue coordination with TRANSCOM and Continues to be FMS Implementing Agencies to assess the a possible feasibility of developing a new Delivery Term Code option - TBD (DTC) to cover the DTS delivery to the port of arrival in the FMS purchasing country Consider requiring FMS purchasing countries to Under review - certify that carriers included in their portion of an May be part of AA&E TP are vetted and approved by the appropriate a future security offices in their country SAMM change
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS Consider requiring FMS purchasing countries toTBD - Depends provide on-board security while their vessels on DoD standard carrying AA&E transit through high risk chokepointsfor like AA&E DoD assess the risks and vulnerabilities involved TBD with allowing FMS purchasing countries to have direct control of AA&E within U.S. territorial waters or airspace Require FMS purchasing countries to inventory AA&ERequired for immediately upon arrival at final destination in country specified and report inventory results to SAOs, COCOMs and non-FMS grant FMS Implementing Agenciesrecipient countries
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS Require SAOs to perform random and periodicTBD inspections for shipments moving under the direct control of the FMS purchasing country Develop a common set of inspection criteria forTBD evaluating the security of FMS purchasing country AA&E storage facilities; incorporate into SAMM Consider development of internal cell to monitor theTBD movement of “sensitive” AA&E from origin to destination DoD develop a new set of transportation and storageTBD security requirements unique to the FMS program
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS DSCA instruct its educational arm – DISAM –Ongoing to cover more transportation safety and security in its curriculum DSCA encourage all USG agencies involved in Ongoing the shipment of sensitive AA&E through FMS channels to attend DISAM courses in order to gain a better perspective on FMS safety and security issues Provide the FMS materiel tracking system underCOMPLETED - development (EFTS) full support and funding27 OCT 08
December 11, Current Progress IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR LMI ASSESSMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATION STATUS DSCA consider mandating FMS purchaser countryTBD use of tracking technology for ITV of sensitive AA&E shipments DSCA specify in-transit safety requirements in the Transportation Plan (TP) for AA&E shipments –TP should clearly identify emergency POCs toPart of pending contact for in-transit emergency safety and SAMM change security assistance –TP for AA&E shipments arranged by DoD outside TBD of the DTS should require complete intransit routing information to be provided to specified DoD offices prior to the shipment
December 11, Next Steps Based upon the current progress of the AIP, please identify 3 – 4 of the next steps: –Complete staffing of revised Transportation Chapters in DoD M (Security Assistance Management Manual – SAMM); implement approved policy change – Goal: 30 June 2009 –Complete coordination with USD(I) on FMS input to revisions of DoDI and DoD M regarding AA&E – Suspenses: DoDI June 2009 DoD M -30 June 2009 –Discuss implementation of revised SAMM Chapters 3 and 7 with FMS Transportation Interservice Transportation Working Group (ISTWG) - Briefed current proposal February 2009; will discuss implementation following formal release of SAMM change
December 11, Issues and Questions Issues or questions for the Working Group: –Look forward to further cross Service harmonization of DoD shipment requirements for specific AA&E for use in FMS Outbound Inbound for repair, modification, upgrade, service life extension, etc. –Recommend consideration of Service advisories providing DoD shipment and security requirements and / or web site link providing transportation requirements for specific high visibility types of AA&E, such as: Missiles, Small arms, Small quantities of small arm munitions CAD/PADs Other