Bond Scheme September 2011
The New Bond Scheme The Bond Scheme will be run by Walsall Council for properties in the borough The scheme will help Private Landlords have greater ‘security’ / peace of mind in renting People who are homeless or are threatened with homelessness to rent from the private sector
What is the Bond Scheme? Put simply :- It’s a written agreement between Landlord Applicant and Walsall Council Walsall Council will Check your property before sign-up & Check it at least once a month whilst the tenant is in place Be financially responsible for rent arrears and / or cost of any damage to the property up to the value of one month’s rent
How it works Applicant seeks assistance from Council for accommodation Once we approve them we give them an application pack. If they get benefits they will seek properties in line with LHA entitlement Applicant will look for a property through the usual channels Bond Scheme Officer will also advise of possible property Property Found
How it works Property inspection If property is suitable then inventory & Bond sign up We will then inspect at least once a month! If needed we will get the tenant additional support. Support is available for tenant and Landlord throughout the fir fixed term of the tenancy
Landlord Benefits Lots of FREE services and HELP Pre tenancy property inspection Tenancy inventory completed Monthly inspections End of tenancy property inspection Accompany prospective tenants to view the property Free Legal Tenancy Agreement
Landlord Benefits Lots of FREE services and HELP Help with Housing Benefit paperwork Verify documents to ensure speedy payment Fast track Housing Benefit claims (within 5 working days) Safeguard Housing Benefit (paid direct to Landlord where appropriate ) Single point of contact and support for Landlords Subject to availability - free registration to Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme (MLAS)
Other Benefits A market rent We will find the tenants Long term lets – longer income period No need for a deposit in a Deposit Protection Scheme Our team has wealth of housing and property expertise If required tenant will be referred to a Tenancy Officer for support
What we ask of landlords It is what you would expect – no hidden catches! Property must meet minimum statutory requirements Gas, Energy Performance and if required Electrical certificates must be up to date All electrical items have had an up to date PAT test. Fire Safety measures in place Appropriate building insurance in place A fair market rent should be charged
What we ask of landlords It is what you would expect – no hidden catches! Landlord will maintain the management of the tenancy The tenant must be provided with a copy of the inventory Must provide Tenancy Agreement (which we will do) Must provide receipts of rent received Aim to become a member of an accreditation Scheme – Midland Landlord Accreditation Scheme (MLAS) Ensure appropriate mortgage is in place
Bond Scheme Contacts: Parmy Sangha – Homeless Prevention Officer Tel: Andy Wilcoxson – Housing Options Manager Tel: Mike Spearman - Housing Standards Officer Tel: