Caravan Park Fire Safety Update David Kearsley Fire Safety Program Leader CFA Headquarters
Overview Midlands Caravan Park Current Issues –Registration –Testing and tagging –TFB days Historical Perspective Guideline review and where are we at Proposed Technical Notes
Midlands Caravan Park Fire
Midland Caravan Park Fire 6.30pm 5 May vans and annexes fully involved Separations range between 2.4m to 4.6m 4 Attending appliances from surrounding towns, Swanpool, Lima South. 3 non locals travelling to Melbourne stopped to help Fire spread to upper levels Embers found more than 100m away uphill into bushland.
Current Issues
Current Issue – Registration CFA does not requiring a reinspection of parks for this registration period CFA does not set an expiry date of fire safety inspections CFA is proposing to write to councils to advise that as long the latest report is provided it will suffice for registration purposes If council have concerns with fire safety inspections can be scheduled during the next 3 years.
Current Issue – Testing and Tagging Energy Safe Victoria – Regulator for Electrical and Gas safety provides advice of electrical safety including testing and tagging. OH& S Act (2004) employers have a legal liability to provide and sustain a safe working environment which is without risks to employees’ health. ESV advice - Ensure the power supply cord to your caravan is in good condition and rated at 15 amps. AS/NZS 3760:2010 In-Service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment applies to equipment in- service at a place of work or public place, or offered for hire. AS3001 Appendix B also advices regular inspection of leads for Caravan Parks Patrons
Current Issue – TFB Days Change to CFA act regarding TFB days Updated Can I or Can’t I advice is available on the CFA website.(August 2012) Can I use a BBQ on a TFB day?
Current Issue – TFB Days YES Barbecues that are permanently fixed appliances fired by gas or electricity, built of stone, metal, concrete or another non-flammable material designed exclusively for meal preparation use only gas or electricity, are designed and commercially manufactured exclusively for meal preparation (including portable barbecues), and when alight are placed in a stable position, provided that: the area within a distance of 3 metres from the outer perimeter of the barbecue is clear of flammable material you have either a hose connected to a water supply or a vessel with at least 10 litres of water for immediate use an adult is there at all times when the fire is alight who has the capacity and means to extinguish the fire the fire is completely extinguished before the adult leaves.
Current Issue – TFB Days NO Campfires, fires for warmth or personal comfort are banned during Total Fire Ban Days. Solid and liquid fuel barbecues and ovens are also banned during Total Fire Ban Days.
Fire Safety Guidelines
History Prescriptive 1996 Introduction of Objectives and a Level of Performance Refinement of alternative solutions principals
Current Guideline Issued May 2012 Updated to meet current Fire Service policies on fire safety in parks Updated to meet the regulation changes from 2010, and the following amendments Format change to make it easier to read
Current Guideline Included guidance on understanding “performance based design” using alternative solutions and utilising engineering design to meet the objectives of the guidelines Fire services expectation that qualified designers and engineers are used Introduced Fire Brigade Intervention Model Updated design standards used such AS for the design and installation of hydrants Updated other information including the electrical and gas safety information Introduced guidance on maintenance of fire safety systems
Current Guideline Compliance options remain Meet prescriptive Use alternative solutions Or Have a combination of both prescriptive or Alternative Solutions.
Current Review 12 Months ago Vic Parks and CFA began a review process Process included open discussion on: –The role of fire services on going fire safety in caravan parks –The role of fire service in the design of new parks –Methods and options for meeting the fire safety objectives –Clearer wording within the document –More options within the prescriptive provisions Vic parks through their committee have reviewed the document and provided changes to CFA. CFA accepted the proposed changes except for one.
Current Review PP4 Fire Authority Equipment CFA put forward to review the hydrant requirements and wording One key change was to the wording: “as if it was installed in a building” This provided some confusion not only to park owners but designers
Current Review Hydrants and hose reels more prescriptive options Removes direct reference to AS 2419 and AS2411as much as possible so that there is no need to buy the standard to understand the guideline Options for compliance: –Covers tank water supply, and tank construction –Dam supply options –Hydrant flow and pressure – Only need one hydrant at a time operating 200kPa) –Clearer installation requirements for hydrants installations Does not change maximum coverage concession – 120m for hydrants Allows the use 50m hose reels where straight runs can be achieved
Proposed Technical Notes CFA and VicParks along with other agencies such as Energy Safe Victoria working on Technical Notes for park owners These will include: –Electrical Safety – Testing and Tagging –TFB days These technical notes can be used by owners to ensure park occupants meet their obligations Advantage – can be revised quickly if needed Envisaged that these will be Vic Park managed documents