Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit BUDGET FAIR 2014 Cllr David Bellotti Cabinet Member for Community Resources
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Background »3 Year Financial Plan – Approved Feb 13 »Covers 2013/14 through to 2015/2016 »Identified over £27M of Savings / New Income to be delivered »Good progress has been made against this plan »Some things have changed – some variations are needed »The Budget 2015/2016 will seek to address these variations
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit The Budget Priorities Approved by the Council in February 2013 and remain: »Protecting Frontline Services »No Increase In Council Tax »Investing in Homes and Jobs for Local People
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Delivering the Current Plan »The approved Medium Term Plan contains significant challenges. »Already delivered £11M of Savings / New Income in 2013/14 »A further £11M is being delivered in the current year 2014/15. »The final year 2015/2016 will require over £10M to be delivered to balance the budget for the 3yrs »Delivery our existing plans (revenue and capital) are key to meeting the current financial challenge.
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit KEY CAPITAL PROJECTS – EXAMPLES OF DELIVERY UNDERWAY Focus on Delivery:
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Growth / Enterprise Area BWR »258 units complete (55 Affordable) and 105 under construction »Energy Centre complete and Gas Holders decommissioned »Midland Road Bridge replacement proceeding Southgate »Final stage complete – Railway Station / Brunel Square
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Regeneration Keynsham »One Stop Shop opened 20 th October »Offices fully completed - staff moves underway »Retail units fit-out underway first opening early November »All on-time and on- budget Radstock (NRR) »Construction of new link road underway
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Highways and Infrastructure Kelston Road »Access road complete and piling work progressing well »Expect road to re-open prior to Xmas. Rossiter Road »Scheme commenced July 2014 »Highways maintenance works running concurrently »Completion Feb 2015
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Cycling and Walking Batheaston Footbridge »Key pedestrian / cycling route – opened July 2014 »Further tree-planting during Autumn 2014 Two Tunnels »Main phase completed in 2013 »New Greenway Path opened September 2014 »Further links under development
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Schools Whole range of school improvements and new building complete & underway including: »St Kenya »Wellsway Sports Centre »St Marks 6 th Form »Weston All Saints »Castle Primary »Paulton Infants »St Saviours Primary »Free School Meals for Infants
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Other Key Projects Underway »London Road Regeneration »Victoria Bridge Structure & Improvements »Bath Flood Mitigation »Bath Transport Package »Gypsy & Travellers Site »River Corridor »Odd Down Playing Fields »Digital BANES »Play Park Improvements
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit VARIATIONS 2015/16 Budget:
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit 2014/2015 Variation Budget »Approx £9M is required to balance the Budget including funding for Care Act, Capital and Non- Deliverable Savings - Proposals include: »Increased Business Rates Income »Improving Council Tax Base »Pension Deficit Refinancing »Increased Income »Use of the Better Care Fund »Using One-Off Reserves »No new proposals relating to Frontline Services
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit New Investments Limited and Essential New Capital Investment proposals will include: »Economic Development Fund Projects »Innovation Quay – Enabling Infrastructure »A36 Lower Bristol Road Bus Lane »IT including Adult Social Care Database »Passenger Transport Vehicles »River Corridor including ROSPA Safety Works »Saltford Station – continued feasibility work
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit Tackling Poverty The Council will play its part by: »Maintaining the Social Fund at £250K for 15/16 »Remove some lower pay bands to help low paid »Ensuring Zero Hours Contracts are not used directly by the Council »Work with partners to help residents with pay day loans. »Support our local food banks »Continue to develop our Connecting Families programme »Work to reduce adult and youth unemployment
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit “Think Local” Procurement »Launched in October 2013 »Measures to promote use and engagement of local suppliers »£25K limit introduced to target local suppliers »Council spend increased from 35% to over 38% in first year »Proposing to increase limit from £25K to £50K FY 12/13 35%
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit 2016/17 And Beyond »National and Local Elections May 2015 »Significant savings will need be found over period of next parliament to address the Budget deficit »Political priorities nationally »2016/17 looks particularly challenging »New commitments have to be paid for
Bath and North East Somerset – The place to live, work and visit SUMMARY »Focus on Delivery »Variation Budget for 2015/16 Only »Further £9M of Variations Identified »Balanced Budget Proposal »No further savings from Frontline Services »Proposes No Increase in Council Tax »All Subject To – Government Financial Settlement in December 2014 (or January 2015) »Outlook 2016/17 and beyond is challenging
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