Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes A Future Full of Hope Saint Brigid Town Hall March 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes A Future Full of Hope Saint Brigid Town Hall March 2012

Opening Prayer Loving God, at this time in the life of our parish, we turn to you with grateful hearts, for what we have, and with great anticipation for what is yet to be. Bless us with a sense of unity, a spirit of cooperation, and a generous heart, as we face the responsibilities and challenges of this parish undertaking. We are rooted in Your word and in Your work. Please guide us, strengthen us, and bless us with Your presence, now and through the months to come. AMEN

St. Brigid of Kildare Core Team  Father Pat O’Connor  Tom Erickson  Joan Herbert  Brian Smith  Kathy Smith

A Future Full of Hope Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes Goals  Enhance the vibrancy of Parish Life in the Diocese of Saginaw  Strengthen the presence of ministry  Foster appreciation of the Eucharist  Promote evangelization  Re-align parishes in the Diocese with consideration of the number of Priests available, financial resources and changing demographics

A Future Full of Hope Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes Goals  Ensure that all parishes have quality opportunities for lifelong Christian education and formation  Strengthen service to those that are marginalized  Promote vocations to priesthood and religious life  Promote greater involvement in lay ministry  Support new initiatives for youth and young adults

A Future Full of Hope Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes Goals  Build a greater sense of unity among all Catholics  Increase collaboration among all entities  Advocate for peace and justice

A Future Full of Hope Planning Tomorrow’s Timeline  Conversation at the cohort level by March 2012  Suggestion of model for each cohort by June 2012  Preliminary recommendations to Diocesan Planning Commission by September 2012  Response by October 2012  Final recommendations by December 2012  Decisions by January 2013  Implementation by July 2013

A Future Full of Hope Planning Tomorrow’s Parishes Cohorts  What is a cohort?  Parishes working together are a cohort  How is this different than a cluster?  The cohort continues to work together going forward into the future under an agreed upon model that is approved at the Diocesan level  What parishes have been identified as our cohorts?  St Agnes (Sanford)  Assumption of BVM (Larkin)  Blessed Sacrament (Midland)  St. Brigid of Kildare (Midland)

Models  Linked Parishes  Remain distinct (e.g. administratively)  Do many services and programs together  Joint staff where appropriate  Partnership Parishes  Create joint programs  Share staff and stewardship

Models  Merged Parishes  Celebrate Sacraments together  Share resources and overhead  Join forces for larger worship congregations  Pastoral Administrators  Deacon or Lay Minister appointed as day to day minister for the parish  In Solidum Team  Three or more parishes served by a team of priests with one as moderator

Prior to Conversations with Cohorts  Each Parish appointed a core team  Core team pulling together strengths and opportunities for the parish  Survey parishioners  Town Hall meetings

Survey Responses  Four surveys completed for key areas of parish life  Sacramental Life  Evangelization, Faith Formation, Catholic Schools and Lifelong Religious Education  Stewardship and Justice  Administration

Sacramental Life of the Parish

Evangelization, Faith Formation, Catholic Schools and Lifelong Religious Education

Stewardship and Justice

Effective Administration

Conclusions  Overall most parishioners believe we are going strong or adequate in most areas surveyed  Parishioners are still in need of help with the new wording from the Roman Missal  Involvement of Youth in Ministry was stressed and making Mass more meaningful for them and teaching them their faith – this came up on all 4 surveys regardless of the questions asked  Many comments about music and how it could be even better; a combined music ministry between all 3-4 parishes in Midland was mentioned by a few  Many comments about providing a quiet environment for prayer prior to Mass

Conclusions  Support for the school is strong – many comments on linking with Catholic HS in Saginaw/Bay City/Mt Pleasant so more transition to Catholic HS  Hospitality needs strengthening especially with new members making them feel welcome; some parish staff do not come across as friendly  More prayer and emphasis on vocations suggested  Add a ministry to those in jail  Strengthen Faith Formation – we are losing our kids after second grade – need to make it valuable and meaningful so kids want to go  Better coordination between parishes of Mass times, Holy Days, Reconciliation with a variety of daily Mass times (later in the day for working people)

Conclusions  Social Justice is a hot button phrase and needs further explanation as it relates to the Catholic Church  Right to Life issues are strongly supported by parishioners and need to be more strongly supported by the Parish as a whole and in our curriculum  More training for teachers and faith formation on our core Catholic teachings especially as it relates to Right to Life, contraception etc. Don’t be afraid to talk about this with parents and children  Need to broaden the base of volunteers in the parish with more youth involved  Facility issues as they relate to a gathering space, coat racks and handicap accessibility

Next Step…….  Core team meets with cohort core teams on 3/22/12