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Presentation transcript:

Category ACategory BCategory CCategory DCategory E Game design by Mary Catherine McGillvray

Category A $200 $300 $400 $500 Category C $200 $300 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Category BCategory DCategory E Final Jeopardy! $400 $100

Strict caste system with low social mobility, lovings weren’t there

Mining and herding, settled by railroad land grants, conrolled by mining interests, historically

Settled by Caribbean sugar people

Social system, British by design, low social mobility. Small farms, diary, textiles and furniture

This culture romanticized from late 19 th onward by restof America. Rugged individualism, morality enforced at gunpoint

Utopians, progressives, high social mobility, came without strict hierarchy, but you need to be one of them.

Attitudes to gun control, relativity: Federation 1:Appalachia, Far West, Deep South, Tidewater, Far West. Federation 2: Yankeedom, Left Coast, New Amersterdam

Democratic Federation by “nation”

Repulican Federation by Nation

Regions that denied Civil Rights to Slaves and their descendants: de jure

We’re like our founders but on the other coast.

3 Nations with highest levels of social mobility, historically

2 Regions with strongest advocates for teaching evolution and creationism side by side

2 Nations where big government isn’t a dirty word

Attitude toward universal health care in New Amsterdam and Left Coast

Minimum level of wealth to maintain healthy existence

Aware in a group, but no interaction

Socioeconomic level of one group, compared to other groups


Hippies, Beatniks, Amish, Polyamorous, Sister wives

Civil Rights, Gay rights, Women’s rights movements all support this theory

Legal rights, not human rights or natural rights neccessarily.

I support my family of four working at Walmart


People think you’re a stuck up snobby preppie or a Gansta.

Deep South

Far West

Deep South


Far West


Fed 1: Against Fed 2: For

Yankeedom, New Amsterdam, Midland, Left Coast

Deep South, Tidewater, Far West, Greater Appalachia

Deep South, Greater Appalachia, Tidewater

Left Coast

Yankeedom, New Amsterdam and Left Coast

Greater Appalachia and Deep South

Yankeedom, New Amsterdam, Left Coast (midland less, but ok)

Absolute Poverty

Civil inattention


In population studies, the amount of offspring a female can produce. Humans only ones to purposely limit, except the Duggards.


Conflict theory

Civil Rights

Working Poor

Response Cry

Social Identity

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Final Jeopardy Answer