Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Spring ‘08 U10 –U18 Coaches’ Kickoff Meeting March 25, 2008
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Agenda SYS Coach Responsibilities and Player Development Fields and Calendar MAYS Equipment Referees Cancellation/Rescheduling Q&A Age Group Coordinators
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer SYS – Contact Info Always Looking for New Participants! PresidentRon WeedenGirls U-10 CoordinatorDave Lizotte Vice PresidentBob BirneyGirls U-12 CoordinatorGreg Allen SecretaryBob GarveyGirls U-14 to U-18 CoordAllen Jarrell TreasurerMike RezukeBoys U-10 CoordinatorLisa Morgera RegistrarBob PlatzBoys U-12 CoordinatorJim Riley Referee AssignorMindy McKenzie-HebertBoys U-14 to U-18 CoordAndrea Burns Equipment ManagerKen OuelletteMixed U-5 CoordinatorKevin Ray Player / Coach Develop U10+Roy PedersonMixed U-6 CoordinatorJay McQuade Player / Coach Develop Mini’sKen WardMixed U-7 CoordinatorJim Egan Field ManagerKeith BaldingerMixed U-8 CoordinatorJim McKay Fund Raising CoordinatorKim OrszakMAYS RepresentativeBob Reicheld Game Rescheduling CoordRachel Baldino
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer WEBSITE Check out our new WEBSITE Bylaws, contacts, calendar, fields, FAQ’s, Coach’s information – rules, training sessions, code of conduct, volunteers
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Volunteer Sign-up Sheet Uniform Night and Field Setup Uniform NightField Set-up (trucks needed) 3/27/083/29/083/30/08 7-9pm9am SherwoodGlavin
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Coach’s Responsibilities Work through Age Group coordinator Set example for SYS – Zero tolerance Parent Meeting – Day 1 Contact information – Emergency list Keep score differential under 6 – Any score differential in excess of 5 will require review with the Age Group Coordinator and possible further action by the Board. Make certain every player is picked up before you go home
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer CORI Forms Coaches Corner CORI Checks tab on left Online form – Verify that you are current
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Playing Time It is our policy that as a member of a team, each player during a game be given equal playing time when possible. A child must play at least one half of each regulation game during the Fall. For Spring select teams in an MTOC division in the U12 and older age groups, a child must play at least one third of each game (this includes league and MTOC tournament games). For all other teams & age groups in the Spring the child must play at least one half of each game.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Participation Players are expected to participate in practices and games. Parents are expected to participate by insuring that their children are on time for, and picked up following practices and games, and that they have their equipment with them. If a player cannot be present for a scheduled game or practice, the coach should be notified in advance. Parents should support the coach, help maintain discipline, and promote good sportsmanship. If problems should arise that cannot be mutually resolved, they shall be brought to the Vice President for resolution with the coach. The Vice President then will inform the Board at the next meeting. If the Vice President deems it necessary, he can convene the Board to resolve the situation.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Coach and Player Development Introduction of U10+ player/coach developer: Roy Pederson Please review Coaches Corner for information There is now a downloadable coaches manual ~ online resources ~ review practice plans for ideas
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Coach and Player Development Let's not forget the real lessons learned from sport: * Fitness * Decision making * Commitment * Team work * Leadership * Fair play
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer EXTRAS: 3v3 Tournament, Camps, Coach Pick-up Games Website: Shrewsbury ONLY 3v3 Tournament (no playoffs, 3 games) – Father’s Day, 6/15 – Flyer/pamphlet for interested coach’s/assistant coach’s Summer Camps – Play Soccer, Clark – Flyer/pamphlet for all players Coach pick-up games, Glavin, Sunday, 4pm
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer EXTRAS: Coaching Clinic and Voucher System U10+ Coach Clinic U10+ Coaching Vouchers
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Keeper Training Wednesday 4/9, 4/16, and 4/23 Glavin 5:30-7:00pm 1 keeper per team at each session
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer TROPHIES SYS will provide for U10 and younger All other trophies are prohibited unless earned in a tournament and awarded by the tournament
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer FIELDS Move goals for practice! Field closing posted Coaches Corner - Field Status 3pm weekdays 7am Saturday
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Game Fields
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer SYS Calendar
Midland Area Youth Soccer League Bob Reichheld MAYS REPRESENTATIVE
MAYSL - FINES Please be careful not to incur any fines. These can be related to: Improper Rosters Improper Passcards Forfeits
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer MAYS Participating Towns CharltonNorth BrookfieldUxbridge DouglasNorthbridgeWebster DudleyOxfordWest Brookfield GraftonQuabbinWorcester United HoldenSouthbridgeWorcester Youth LeicesterSpencer Mendon/UptonSutton MillburyTantasqua MountainUS AuburnAVERAGE – 18.6 m NVYSL – 25.8 m
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer MAYS Midland Area Youth Soccer League U10 – U19 3 Divisions U10 – U14 – Two MTOC – Rec is grouped into one huge group U18 & U19 – Single Division in Fall No Standings for Rec
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer MAYS U12+ D1 and D2 Coaches and Player Passcards & 2 Rosters U10 and D3 Coaches Passcards & 2 Rosters Score reported by Referee (always check) Substitute Referee allowed Zero Tolerance Follow USSF and FIFA rules of play No Policy concerning Mercy Rule
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Equipment Ken Ouellette
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Equipment What should you have? At least 3 balls (U10 & U12 size 4, U14+ size 5). 15 to 20 orange discs. Practice vests. Medical kits
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Uniform Night March 27th Sherwood, 7-9pm Shirts $35 and Shorts $25 All U10+ players must have travel uniform
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Equipment Players – NO Jewelry, Casts, Hair Beads, or Splints !!! – Knee/Elbow Pads must have protective padding – Shin guards are a must!!
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Equipment Who do I contact? Age group coordinator Equipment Manager - Ken Ouellette
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Referee Program Mindy McKenzie-Hebert CELL
Process for Rescheduling Home Games Rachel Baldino Rescheduling Coordinator
Process for Rescheduling Home Games Any games that are: TBD or CANCELED or require rescheduling for any reason Rainouts will be posted at least 2 hours before first game time on the SYS web site
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Process for Rescheduling Home Games (Step 1) Coaches should contact the opposing coach to determine a 1st and 2nd choice date and time to reschedule a game.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Process for Rescheduling Home Games ( Step 2) Download the Reschedule form - SYS Website under Coaches section - Process for Canceling/Rescheduling Home Games (U10+) Fill out the GOLD BLOCKS completely and the completed form to Rachel Baldino our Rescheduling Coordinator.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Reschedule Form:
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Process for Rescheduling Home Games ( Step 3) The Rescheduling Coordinator will obtain a field and verify Referee Availability and reply by .
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Process for Rescheduling Home Games (Step 4) After our Rescheduling Coordinator s you back with when and where the game will be played, call the opposing coach with information. Please do not contact the opposing coach with the rescheduled game information until you have received this confirmation.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Logging On: Type in the address you supplied to your Assigner, then type in your password. Your initial password will be your last name.
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer You have successfully joined your group. Press “Sign In” to go to “Start Page”
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer “Start Page”
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer TeamWorks Center - Discounted hourly rate
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Coaches Responsibilities Take Advantage of SYS Coaching Development Program Have Fun! Keep Score Difference Under 6 Be an Ambassador for SYS
Shrewsbury Youth Soccer Questions?
In Summary AGC’s Breakout Sessions Check CORI Status THANK YOU!!!!