Border, Midland & Western Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 and Southern and Eastern Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 Progress Report up.


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Presentation transcript:

Border, Midland & Western Regional Operational Programme and Southern and Eastern Regional Operational Programme Progress Report up to end 2013 Investing in your Future

Presentation Outline 1. Investment Priorities and allocations 2. Co-funded actions 3. Progress to date ( )

BMW Regional Operational Programme Priority objectives approved: Innovation, ICT and the Knowledge Economy Environment and Energy Urban Development and Transport Networks

S&E Regional Operational Programme Priority objectives approved: Innovation and the Knowledge Economy Environment and Accessibility Sustainable Urban Development

Priority Allocations: BMW Region PriorityTotal Allocation € 1. Innovation, ICT & Knowledge Economy 205m 2. Environment & Risk Prevention 60m 3. Urban Development & Secondary Transport Networks 188.5m 4. Technical Assistance4m Total (50% co-funded)457.5m EU Contribution (ERDF)229m

Priority Allocations S&E Region PriorityTotal Allocation € 1. Innovation and the Knowledge Economy 278m 2. Environment and Accessibility 55m 3. Sustainable Urban Development 30m 4. Technical Assistance4m Total (40% co-funded)367m EU Contribution (ERDF)146.6m

BMW: Priority 1: To raise the Region’s Research, ICT & Innovation capacity to generate and absorb new technologies I.Applied Research Enhancement, Incubation and Collaboration II.Competitive research funding (PRTLI, SFI & Marine Institute) III.Micro-enterprise supports (CEBs) IV.Broadband delivery and demand stimulation

BMW: Priority 1: Innovation, ICT and the Knowledge Economy 1,751 SMEs assisted by CEBs in the BMW region since ,901 training days provided by the CEBs Broadband services under the NBS are now available to all residences and business in the designated NBS electoral divisions.

BMW: Priority 1: Innovation, ICT and the Knowledge Economy 6 Incubation Centres in place in Institutes of Technology, hosting 81 Companies and 316staff 8 Applied Research Enhancement Centres supported in the region 125 researchers supported in 19 PRTLI – funded projects with BMW partners 6 marine research projects funded

National Broadband Scheme

CEB Student Enterprise Awards

National Women’s Enterprise Day

S&E ROP : Priority 1 To further develop the knowledge, R&D, innovation and entrepreneurial base of the Region’s economy and to support collaboration and technology transfer between research institutions and the business sector in order to boost the Region’s growth and competitiveness I.Development of Region’s RTDI capacity (Applied Research Enhancement, Commercialisation Fund, Incubation Centre Development and Building Research Capacity & Capability within HEI (PRTLI)) II.Entrepreneurship in Micro-enterprises (CEBs)

S&E ROP Priority 1: Innovation and the Knowledge Economy € m was invested in the S&E region under the Programme for Third Level Research (PRTLI) 820 additional researchers employed in the region’s HEIs 362 national collaborations supported Dublin City University C4 (Bio)Pharmaceuticals & Pharmacological Sciences

S&E ROP Priority 1: Innovation and the Knowledge Economy cont’d 12 Incubation Centres, 11 in the Region’s Institutes of Technology and 1 in University of Limerick, hosting 151 companies who in turn employ 676 staff Funding was awarded to 9 Applied Research Enhancement (ARE) Centres in the S&E region 3,449 gross FTE jobs created under the Micro-enterprise Theme, which also supported 3,459 companies during the programme period Tierney Building (Incubation Centre) Limerick Institute of Technology

S&E ROP Fred & Ger Karlsson, (Ireland's largest classified advertising website) client of Wexford CEB

S&E ROP John Shevlin, Shevlin Millinery Dublin CEB client & Sonya Lennon, Stylist at the launch

S&E ROP Shannon Applied Biotechnology Centre, University of Limerick. Funded under the Applied Research Enhancement sub-theme

BMW: Priority 2: Contribute to the protection & enhancement of the rural environment and stimulate energy efficiency, renewable energy production I.Rural water source protection and village sewerage scheme II.Regional Water Services Investment III.Water Conservation IV.Natural and Built Heritage V. Waste Recycling VI.Renewable energy/energy efficiency

BMW: Priority 2: Environment and Renewable Energy Investment of €24m in a further 23 water treatment plants serving 19,000 people New National Park Visitor Centres at Ballycroy and Clara had 24,865 visitors. 16 Built Heritage Structures assisted

BMW: Priority 2: Environment and Renewable Energy Over 3,900 SMEs registered for energy efficiency supports 81 industry projects supported nationally Water Conservation Measures in Athlone, Mullingar, Dundalk, Drogheda 20 gas-fired Combined Heat & Power installations Ocean Energy Programme launched – 11 projects funded 100 renewable energy research reports and studies completed nationally

S&E ROP Priority 2: Environment and Accessibility The key aim was to invest in rural water collection and treatment systems, water source protection, renewable energy production and energy conservation and to increase broadband take-up throughout the region to contribute to its sustainable development I.Environment & Risk Prevention (Not co-financed) II.Renewable Energy III.Information & Communication Technology Accessibility

S&E ROP Priority 2: Environment and Accessibility The non co-funded Village Sewage Scheme and Rural Water Source Protection pilot studies are now complete. 48 CHP and BioHeat installations supported Tralee, Dublin City and Tallaght are exemplar Sustainable Energy Communities Under the Ocean energy strand of the (RED&D) 13 projects (beneficiaries of ocean energy prototype funds) are completed A Combined Power Heat project: A&L Goodbody CHP installation

S&E ROP Priority 2: Environment and Accessibility cont’d 111,224 premises in the S&E region are covered by the NBS 25,843 with broadband coverage available under the NBS in the S&E Region National Broadband Scheme (NBS) Information and Communications Technology Accessibility Theme

BMW: Priority 3: Strengthen spatial structuring, integrated urban development strategies, with improved secondary transport linkages I.Integrated urban development II.Public transport III.Key linking secondary routes

BMW: Priority 3: Urban Development and Transport Networks Gateways and Hubs Fund launched in projects approved €17m ERDF awarded with levered public investment of €40m Urban Regeneration, Arts Infrastructure, Traffic Management Gateways (1)Athlone, Mullingar & Tullamore (3 projects) (2)Dundalk (3)Galway (4)Letterkenny (5)Sligo Hubs (1)Ballina (2)Castlebar (3)Cavan Town (4)Monaghan Town (5)Tuam

Sligo Gateway Project

Ballina Hub Town Project

Galway City Gateway Project Seamus Quirke Road

Monaghan Hub Town Project

Athlone Art Centre

BMW: Priority 3: Urban Development and Transport Networks 2 major road projects – Tullamore Bypass & M6 Athlone to Ballinasloe motorway link Investment in 24 new railcars serving destinations in the BMW region Investment in physical infrastructure in RAPID towns in the region

Tullamore Bypass

S&E ROP Priority 3 Enhance the attractiveness of the designated Gateways and Hubs in the Region as places in which to live, to work and to invest I.Public Transport (not co-financed) II.Smarter Travel Scheme III.ERDF Gateways Grant Scheme

S&E ROP Priority 3: Sustainable Urban Development Gateways and Hubs Fund launched in projects approved €11m ERDF awarded with levered public investment of €22m Projects to improve the Gateways economically, environmentally, socially and/or culturally Gateways (S&E Region) – Cork – Dublin – Limerick Shannon – Waterford

House of Waterford Crystal, ERDF Gateway Scheme

Public Realm Enhancement Scheme, John's Square, Limerick City Council, an ERDF Gateways Scheme

Smithfield Enhancement Scheme - Unveiling Ceremony, Dublin City Council an ERDF Gateways Scheme Project

Triskel Centre, Cork City Council an ERDF Gateways Scheme Project

Smarter Travel Initiative Smarter Travel Area Limerick Focus is on 4 hubs within the city – City Centre – Corbally – Castletroy – Southill/Regeneration hub Limerick Smarter Travel won the 'Smarter Travel' category in the National Chamber Excellence in Local Government Awards

Smarter Travel Area Limerick Cycling Training School – one of the behavioural changes measures underway in Limerick City

Expenditure to end 2013 (BMW ROP 07-13) PriorityExpenditure (% of allocation) 1. Innovation, ICT & Knowledge Economy 205m (>100%) 2. Environment & Risk Prevention 60.4m (>100%) 3. Urban Development & Secondary Transport Networks 226m (>100%) 4. Technical Assistance4.1m Total (50% co-funded)496m (>100%) EU Contribution229m

Expenditure to end 2013 (S&E ROP 07-13) Priority Expenditure (% of allocation) 1. Innovation and the Knowledge Economy 278m (>100%) 2. Environment and Accessibility 55m (>100%) 3. Sustainable Urban Development 30m (76%) 4. Technical Assistance4m Total (40% co-funded)367m (>100%) EU Contribution (ERDF)146.6m

Contact Details BMW Regional Assembly The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon Ireland Tel (0) BMW Assembly Website: S&E Regional Assembly: EU Structural Funds Website: