REGIONAL NEWSLETTERS ONE YEAR ON. Evelyn Alves Digital Communications Executive 02 April 2014
Rolled out in August out of 16 IMechE UK regions Sent to all UK members Regional Newsletter Coordinators and Digital Marketing Team. REGION UPDATES
IMPACT ON NEAR YOU TRAFFIC. Aug 1, Mar 28, 2014 = 93,280 visits Aug 1, Mar 28, 2013 = 91,306 vists
A NEW REGION UPDATE CREATION PROCESS. Two reminders before the draft Changes directly to Near You Less time between draft and send Feedback? It is important that volunteers and headquarters cooperate and work more closely to highlight and develop the qualities, and identify and address any difficulties that could have an effect on the positive growth of the Institution’s digital channels.
OBJECTIVES AND SAMPLING. Understand members’ regional events requirements Understand preferred and most effective communications medium Validate and develop the current way we communicate with members 1926 responses between 7 and 21 March A sample size sufficient for a 99% confidence level with a 3% margin for error on individual responses.
REGIONAL EVENTS REQUIREMENTS. 71.2% of respondents attend regional engineering events 60% of respondents are previous attendees of IMechE regional events How do members decide whether a particular event is worth attending? Not at all important Somewhat important ImportantVery important Content / topic0.32% (6)2.83% (53)30.36% (586)66.49% (1244) Quality of speakers5.37% (98)31.20% (569)50.44% (920)12.99% (237) Distance of travel2.63% (49)22.60% (421)42.46% (791)32.31% (602) Entry price15.33% (282)37.30% (686)28.33% (521)19.03% (350) Networking/socialising opportunity 24.66% (455)46.99% (867)22.66% (418)5.69% (105) Access to a site of interest11.14% (205)37.28% (686)40.38% (743)11.20% (206) Relevance to career25.87% (478)25.92% (479)30.84% (570)17.37% (321)
REGIONAL EVENTS REQUIREMENTS. What motivates members to attend regional events? What stops members from attending regional events? Too far to travel11.32% Wrong time of day10.07% Events aren't relevant to me7.58% I don't hear about the events early enough3.95% The topics are not interesting enough3.01% I was not aware of these events2.96% I am not interested1.19% Not at all important Somewhat important ImportantVery important Keep up to date6.89% (89)36.30% (469)43.19% (558)13.62% (176) Meeting other engineers / networking 16.21% (209)44.07% (568)30.49% (393)9.23% (119) Hear key speakers6.66% (86)27.50% (355)50.43% (651)15.41% (199) Topic of interest0.38% (5)2.99% (39)32.67% (426)63.96% (834)
REGIONAL EVENTS REQUIREMENTS. How far ahead do members commit to attending regional events? How important is it to book regional events online? Less than one week9.86% Between one week and one month67.84% More than one month22.30% Not at all important13.62% Somewhat important25.27% Important36.17% Very important24.95%
REGIONAL EVENTS PROMOTION How do members hear about regional events? Regional Updates79.65% Individual s promoting specific events73.68% Near You section of imeche.org25.70% from friends or colleagues15.99% Word of mouth9.87% Posters at work or university9.03% Social media3.17% Other0.05%
Individual s promoting specific events47.72% Regional Update35.67% Near You section of imeche.org8.33% from friends or colleagues2.60% Posters at work or university2.07% Word of mouth1.27% Social media1.27% Other1.06% REGIONAL EVENTS PROMOTION How do members prefer to hear about regional events?
REGIONAL UPDATE NEWSLETTER Over 85% of the respondents have received a Region Update Over 90% would or do find the format of the newsletter useful What members find useful about the Region Update format 94.4% find the frequency of Region Updates ‘just right’ Having all local events in one place so I can check back on them 61.11% Seeing a range of events being held in other local areas30.43% Finding out about local engineering news29.80%
FUTURE PLANS. Individual s Near You Social Media
THANK YOU For more information please contact: Evelyn Alves