East Midlands CAN Thursday 4 th September
EMCAN Chairs Update Thursday 4 th September 2014
CAN Executive CAN Executive meeting 10 th April CAN Exec meeting 10 th July – cancelled National Carbon Action Network Training-Day Conference - The Future…….for Fuel Poverty & Energy Efficiency Wednesday 7 th May 2014 at Park Inn, Manchester 4 th July 2014, CAN Training Day, Bristol - feedback Sponsorship with EON runs till end of September 2014 Next CAN Exec meeting 9 th October
Private Rented Sector Energy Efficiency Regulations – Consultation Summary - Consultation on the proposed energy efficiency regulations under the Energy Act 2011 for the domestic private rented sector. DECC published consultation document 22 nd July 2014 Consultation closed 2 nd September 2014 CAN produced a response How many East Midland LA’s responded?
ECO consultation Summary Energy Company Obligation consultation. Key proposals include the extension of the scheme to 2017, modifying the eligibility criteria for CSCO and allowable primary measures under CERO. CAN put in a response HELP put in a response DECC – Have analysed feedback and published response 22 nd July
Fuel Poverty Strategy Finally; DECC published consultation document 22 nd July 2014 Responses to consultation need to be submitted before 7 th October 2014 Intend sending EMCAN response Suggest as many LA’s as possible respond
Next CAN Training Conference day 7 th October 2014, CAN Training Day and Awards at Ricoh Arena, Coventry - will include nominations for CAN regional awards and lifetime achievement award EMCAN nominations? Forthcoming Events
Next NEA East Midlands Fuel Poverty Forum – ??? at Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, Nottingham To book Contact : Tracy Norris at NEA call or National Energy Action’s Annual Conference & Exhibition 2014 – 15 th September to 17 th September at Scarborough Spa, Scarborough, North Yorkshire. Contact details: Website: Forthcoming Events
NEA, in association with SSE and the Department of Energy and Climate Change, is organising six half-day seminars across England to engage with interested stakeholders during the consultation. The aim of the event is to ensure that all local agencies, local authorities, housing associations, energy professionals and other interested stakeholders have the opportunity to get a better understanding of the Government's latest thinking, share best practice and contribute to the development of the strategy. Free to attend 11 September - Peterborough, 9.30am Contact :- Telephone: Forthcoming Events Cutting the cost of keeping warm - a consultation to prepare for a new Fuel Poverty Strategy for England
Next East Midlands EMCAN meeting December 2014 Sponsor? Venue suggestions? Speakers?
Thank you Contact Details:- Karen Lond – EMCAN Chair Energy & Climate Change Officer West Lindsey District Council, Guildhall, Marshall’s Yard, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2NA