Transfer User Group West Midland Neonatal Transfer Service 10 th October 2011
Transfer Activities April to September QUARTER 1 Number of requested transfers SWMNN209 SSBCNN76 CNN7 Others30 Total QUARTER 2 Number of requested transfers SWMNN224 SSBCNN75 CNN12 Others32 Total343
Transfers Performed SWMNN173 SSBCNN60 CNN5 Other20 Total258 Quarter 1 SWMNN183 SSBCNN58 CNN7 Other24 Total272 Quarter 2
Types of Transfer Type of Transfers Undertaken ITU/HDU25 CARDIAC19 SURGICAL70 ONGOING CARE117 BED MANAGEMENT17 OPD2 COOLING5 SPECIALIST3 Total258 Acute =83 Non Acute =175 Type of Transfers Undertaken ITU/HDU31 CARDIAC17 SURGICAL66 ONGOING CARE140 BED MANAGEMENT5 OPD/Radiology2 COOLING8 SPECIALIST3 Total272 Acute =86 Non Acute =186 Quarter 1Quarter 2
Transfer Requested
5 Years Activities Transfer Requested YearsAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptTotalAverage %
Transfer Performed
Transfers Performed YearsAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptTotalAverage %
REASON FOR NOT UNDERTAKING TRANSFERS Attributable to NTSNon NTS Number of Refusals Staffing On other/ ITU calls Weather/ Equipment Deterioration of baby No bedsParents Inapprop request Canc by ref unit Not in our network Canc by rec unit SWMNN SSBCNN CNN1 1 Other2 1 1 Total33 Number of Cancellations SWMNN SSBCNN CNN1 1 Other Total27 Number of Deferrals 2 cancellations by referring unit were where they could not wait for NTS and did transfer themselves SWMNN3 2 1 SSBCNN0 CNN0 Other1 1 Total Quarter 1
REASON FOR NOT UNDERTAKING TRANSFERS Attributable to NTSNon NTS Number of Refusals Staffing On other/ ITU calls Weather/ Equipment Deterioration of babyNo bedsParents Inapprop request Canc by ref unit Not in our network Canc by rec unit SWMNN SSBCNN CNN2 2 Other1 1 Total33 Number of Cancellations SWMNN SSBCNN CNN3 1 2 Other Total30 Number of Deferrals SWMNN4 3 1 SSBCNN2 2 CNN0 Other2 2 Total Quarter 2
Cot Locator
Types of calls Type of calls2011 APRMAYJUNEJULYAUGSEPT IUT EUT TOTAL
Units closed April (19)May (20)June (22)July (21)Aug (22)Sept (22) AMPMAMPMAMPMAMPMAMPMAMPM BWH DS Heartlands DS New Cross DS UHNS NNU DS
Birmingham Children’s Hospital PICU BedSurgical Bed Call WMPRS Transfer Team WMPRS or WMNTS Transfer Team WMNTS