Fakebook George W. Bush View photos of George Send George a message Wall Info Write something… Share Information Presidential Number: 43 Political Party: Republican State Elected From: Texas Dates of Presidency: Vice President(s): Dick Cheney 2005 Hurricane Katrina. Image 2003 In Iraq I had a big military and thousand Americans troops died and I came unpopular at that time Created a cabinet level department known as homeland and security 2003 Invaded in Iraq 2001 September 11 th 911. the two twin towers collapsed when terrorists planes crashed in to them. Love for dogs #DOGS
Personal Information Fakebook Wall Info Basic Information Following Birthday: July 6 th 1946 Hometown: Midland, Texas Relationship Status: married Married to Laura Welch Family Members:6 List members oldest of 6 Education: graduated from Yale Activities/Interests: baseball Pets:2 dogs names spot and barney and cat named indid Previous Jobs owner of the major league baseball team Fun Facts Image George W. Bush Image Baseball for life I love dogs YALE! Texas ya I love cats Image Likes baseball First to begin to serve as President in 21 st century 5 feet 11 in He travels in a helicopter, airplane, and car Republican
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