Young vs Old Earth. YOUNG vs OLD EARTH Naturalism -5 Billion years 20 for Universe Scripture -~6,000 years (Gen 1-2, 5, 11)


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Presentation transcript:

Young vs Old Earth

YOUNG vs OLD EARTH Naturalism -5 Billion years 20 for Universe Scripture -~6,000 years (Gen 1-2, 5, 11)

YOUNG EARTH EVIDENCE 1.Scripture Evidence 2.Problems of Accommodation 3.Science Evidence Andromeda

SOLAR DAYS 1.Primary Usage 2.Context 3.First Use

LAW OF 1 st USE “God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.” Gen 1:5

SOLAR DAYS 1.Primary Usage 2.Context 3.First Use 4.Qualifiers 5.Terms available 6.Other

AVAILABLE TERMS ml;/[ -long duration Jrea; -be long

SCRIPTURE Other Support 1.4 th Commandment

“For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.” Ex 20:11

SCRIPTURE Other Support 1.4 th Commandment 2.Death 3.NT 4.Jesus 5.Other

CONCLUSION The Biblical Chronology cannot be Harmonized with Evolutionary Time

YOUNG EARTH EVIDENCE 1.Scripture Evidence 2.Problems of Accommodation Andromeda

HERMENEUTICS 1. Interpreting Scripture Vaticanus

“.... to find out the meaning of a statement for the author and for the 1st hearers or readers, and thereupon to transmit that meaning to modern readers.” Mickelsen

ACCOMMODATION 1. Emphasize supporting details 2. Superimpose current theories 3. Reinterpret text 4. Ignore non-supporting details

Hugh Ross: “On Creation Day Four, the sun, the moon, and the stars became distinctly visible from Earth’s surface for the first time.” 1:16 -is parenthetical note 1:17 -echoes of wording of Day 1

EXEGETICAL DETAILS  Divine Fiat -1:14  Immediacy -1:15  Creation Terms -1:16

TERMS  1:16 - hc[  1:9 - har

EXEGETICAL DETAILS  Divine Fiat -1:14  Immediacy -1:15  Creation Terms -1:16  Placement -1:17


Exegetical details are important

HERMENEUTICS 1. Interpreting Scripture 2. Interpreting Creation Vaticanus

Interpreting Creation 1. Methodological Naturalism a. Imposes naturalistic theory b. Attempts to harmonize text 2.Biblical Worldview a. Begin with Scripture b. Avoid evolutionary theory c. Interpret physical data

DATA Presupposition APresupposition B Interpretation AInterpretation B Revelation

UNIFORMITARIANISM 1.Fundamental Assumption Present is key to past 2.Scientifically Unverified 3.Goes against Scripture

ISSUE of AUTHORITY  Old Earth View - Science = Final Authority Scripture twisted to fit  Young Earth View - Scripture = Final Authority Science fit into framework

YOUNG EARTH EVIDENCE 1.Scripture Evidence 2.Problems of Accommodation 3.Science Evidence Andromeda

Old Earth Evidence = 10% (Dr Russ Humphries)

Young Earth Evidence = 90%

SCIENCE The 10% Old Earth Evidence

EVIDENCE 1.Geology - Geological Column

Geological Column Cambrian Precambrian

EVIDENCE 1.Geology - Geological Column 2.Physics - Radiometric Dating


ASSUMPTIONS 1.Known Initial Quantities 2. Constant Rate 3. No Loss/Gain

“In general, dates in the ‘correct ball park’ are assumed to be correct & are published, but those in disagreement with other data are seldom published nor are discrepancies fully explained.” RL Mauger

RATE Group  6 Young Earth Scientists (2005)  Geologists, Geophysicists, Geochemists, Physicists  Answers to 10%

EVIDENCE 1.Geology - Geological Column 2.Physics - Radiometric Dating 3.Astrophysics - Star Light

If the cosmos is so young, how can we see so much of it? A Young-Earth Cosmology Farthest Galaxy seen: 14 Billion Light-years If light traveled that distance at today's speed, would it have had time to get here?

Book and video explain much more

Young Earth Evidence = 90%

SCIENCE  Earth  Oceans

CONCLUSION  Old Earth View 1.The 10% has Problems 2.Not Supported by Scripture  Young Earth View 1.Supported by Scripture 2.Supported by Science