Number your papers from 1 to 25! Hurry! Scripture Mastery Doctrine & Covenants Class Competition!!!
# This Mastery talks about bones… It also talks about the destroying angel… It contains the blessings for obeying the Lord’s Law of Health… It’s about the Word of Wisdom… Here’s the Picture:
# This Mastery encourages diligence and obedience… It also talks about the resurrection… And a way to have the advantage in the world to come… By gaining Knowledge and Intelligence… Here is the picture:
#3 5 5 – This Mastery talks about Moses, Aaron, and Abraham… 4 4 – It’s the “sweetest deal” we could ever make… 3 3 – It says to magnify your calling… 2 2 – The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#4 5 5 – This Mastery deals with Missionary Work… 4 4 – It talks about how to have great joy! – It says that it’s worth trying to help someone even if it takes all your days… 2 2 – Because the worth of a soul is great! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#5 5 5 – This Mastery has the words, “heavens and the earth…” 4 4 – It says that everything the prophets say will happen… will happen! – So we should search the scriptures… 2 2 – Because His voice and the prophets’ voices are the same! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#6 5 5 – This Mastery starts out, “For my soul…” 4 4 – It talks about one of God’s delights… 3 3 – It ties Songs to Prayer… 2 2 – Our righteous songs and music are answered with blessings on our heads! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#7 5 5 – This Mastery deals with accountability… 4 4 – It is the advice Spiderman’s uncle gave him… 3 3 – It says that if I sin when I know it’s wrong that my punishment will be worse… 2 2 – Because where much is given, much is required! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#8 5 5 – Many Christians believe in the Trinity… 4 4 – They say that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all one being without body, parts, or passions… 3 3 – We know that two of them have bodies… 2 2 – But the Holy Ghost is a spirit that dwells in us… 1 1 – Here is the picture:
#9 5 5 – Even desires of our hearts matter… 4 4 – I’ll be judged by my works, desires, and understanding… 3 3 – If someone dies before their 8 years old… 2 2 – Or didn’t have the opportunity to hear the gospel, they will get a chance in heaven! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This scripture deals with keeping promises… 4 4 – There is no way the blessing can be withheld if I do what the Lord says… 3 3 – But if I’m not obedient, then I have no promise… 2 2 – The Lord is bound to bless me when I obey! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This is the Lord’s great escape plan… 4 4 – There are those who side with Satan and uphold his work… 3 3 – If Satan or his servants attack, the Lord will help me conquer… 2 2 – So I must Pray Always! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery talks of Priesthood rights… 4 4 – A person’s power IN the priesthood is connected to his righteousness… 3 3 – Some lose their power because their hearts are set on the world and popularity… 2 2 – That’s why many are called but few are chosen! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery talks of paying Devotions… 4 4 – So that we can stay unspotted from the world… 3 3 – We are to offer up sacraments… 2 2 – On His Holy Day! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – “I have learned for myself…” 4 4 – “This is my Beloved Son, hear Him.” 3 3 – A boy’s sincere prayer is answered… 2 2 – And Joseph sees Heavenly Father and Jesus in the Sacred Grove! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery deals with revelation… 4 4 – It explains how Moses knew to part the Red Sea… 3 3 – It’s how the Lord speaks to us… 2 2 – Through the Holy Ghost as thoughts in my mind and feelings in my heart! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about Love; loving others and loving God… 4 4 – It says I shouldn’t find fault with others… 3 3 – It says not to be lazy or to want things that I can’t have… 2 2 – It says to go to bed early and get up early and I’ll be blessed! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This scripture says that Heavenly Father isn’t going to tell us everything to do… 4 4 – He wants us to get up and [do something more than dream of our mansions above]… 3 3 – If we are told to do everything, then we are slothful and unwise… 2 2 – Therefore, we should be anxiously engaged in doing good! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery shows just how infinite the love is that Jesus has for us… 4 4 – He suffered so we wouldn’t have to… 3 3 – But if we don’t repent and accept his suffering, we will have to suffer ourselves… 2 2 – And so He pleads with us to repent, because he knows how bad that suffering is! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about holding grudges… 4 4 – It says that we should let God judge the person… 3 3 – And we should forgive them… 2 2 – Because if we don’t, there remaineth in us the greater sin! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about our Ultimate Goal… 4 4 – Exaltation!!! (The highest level of the Celestial Kingdom) 3 3 – It only comes to those who are sealed in the Temple be the right authority… 2 2 – Do you even need another clue?? 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about Sacrifice… 4 4 – There is a law that is extremely important to us who live just before the 2 nd Coming… 3 3 – If we don’t obey it, we won’t have any fire insurance… 2 2 – So pay your Tithing!!! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about Repenting… 4 4 – It tells you how to know if someone has really repented… 3 3 – And the Lord promises to forgive and not remember your mistakes… 2 2 – So Confess & Forsake–before it’s too late! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Scripture says there is a Law in Heaven… 4 4 – And certain blessings tied to that law… 3 3 – So if we want the certain blessing, we must obey the law to which it is tied… 2 2 – Blessings aren’t accidents! – They come through obedience! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is a Testimony… 4 4 – That Jesus is the Creator… 3 3 – That the inhabitants of the worlds are there because of Him… 2 2 – Joseph and Sidney saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God – He Lives! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
# – This Mastery is about Obedience and Endurance… 4 4 – If I keep the commandments I can have Eternal Life… 3 3 – That is the greatest gift there is! 2 2 – Write it down – Hurry!!! 1 1 – Here is the picture:
Total Your Points! Add up your scores. Write the number at the top of your paper. Then pass them up! Great job!