Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation Introduction to Divine Revelation Monday, April 20, 2015Monday, April 20, 2015Monday, April 20, 2015Monday, April 20, 2015
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, The Old Testament recalls God’s plan to prepare humanity for salvation. Highlights include: a. Creation, Fall and Promise of Redemption; b. God’s covenant with Noah, and all his descendents. c. God’s choosing of Abraham and the promise to bless all the nations through him. Continued
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, The Old Testament recalls God’s plan to prepare humanity for salvation. Highlights include: d. God’s covenant with Moses, calling all Israel to be an ‘older brother’ to the Gentiles.
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, The New Testament revolves around Jesus Christ, the center of God’s plan of salvation. a. The Revelation in the Old Testament leads to and is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. b. The New Testament lies hidden in the Old and the Old Testament is unveiled in the New. Continued
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, The New Testament revolves around Jesus Christ, the center of God’s plan of salvation. c. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ (St. Jerome).
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, ‘Covenant’ lies at the heart of Revelation and is the primary theme of Scripture. a. Since the Fall, God has progressively regathered His family through a series of covenants. b. Covenants form permanent sacred family bonds. Continued
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, ‘Covenant’ lies at the heart of Revelation and is the primary theme of Scripture. c. A Covenant is enacted through ritual (signs) and oath swearing. d. To establish each covenant, God used a mediator as a go-between linking Himself and His family.
Sealed by your name Sealed by God’s name Exchange of goods and servicesExchange of persons TemporaryPermanent family bonds FineCurse (separation from God) ProstitutionMarriage Contracts vs. Covenants PromiseOath
Session 4 Scripture and God’s Plan of Salvation Table Discussion Read pages of ‘A Father Who Keeps His Promises’. Fill in the Covenant Worksheet, looking up these verses: 1. Adam: Genesis 1:26-2:3; Exodus 31: Noah: Genesis 9: Abraham: Genesis 12:1-3; 13:1-7; 17: Moses: Exodus 12:21-28; 18:13; 19: David: 2 Samuel 7: Jesus: Hebrews 4:14; Matthew 16:17-19; Mark 14: April 20, 2015April 20, 2015April 20, 2015
God’s Covenants Throughout Salvation History AdamNoah Abraham MosesDavidJesusCovenant Mediator Covenant Role Covenant Form Covenant Sign 1. Husband 2. Marriage 3. Sabbath 4. Father10. Judge 13. King16. Royal High Priest 7. Chieftain 5. Household 6. Rainbow 8. Tribe 9. Circumcision 11. Nation 12. Passover 14. National Kingdom 15. Throne 17. Catholic Church 18. Eucharist From Dr. Scott Hahn, A Father Who Keeps His Promises