The Bible Society of Malawi HIV-AIDS Resource Mobilization Journey HIV Joint Evaluation Workshop LIMBE, CAMEROON 15 th -19 th March 2010
Living in hope Chichewa Braille
TV and Radio Bible Youth Advocate Magazine Programs based on Take Charge Take Charge Program BIYABIYA
Original Living in Hope Booklet Front coverBack cover
Living in Hope Translated into 4 vernacular languages Cover picture adapted to suite the local needs CHICHEWA TUMBUKA YAO SENA communicating in the heart language of the target group is most effective
Living in Hope into Formats for specific audiences Living in hope Chichewa Braille To cater for The VIPs Living in Hope Vernacular Audio To cater For non-readers
The Local ordinary people received a truly Bible based Information Education and Communication booklet for the first time
Institutions with HIV-AIDS Programmes benefited and equipped their resource centers
An HIV-AIDS Network Discussing use of Living in Hope materials in their Programme
Group of business women listening and discussing Living in Hope audio
VIP pupils and their teacher receiving Braille living in hope into the schools resource centre
A VIP girl reading HIV-AIDS message in Braille for the first time A
Origins of Living in Hope Project In the year 2002 using funds raised locally the BSM produced 50,000 copies of Living in Hope booklets. The booklets were translated into four languages: Chichewa, Tumbuka, Yao and Sena. The booklets were not enough to cover the whole country.
Sourcing Local Funds Due to the huge demand for the Living in Hope booklet the BSM decided to look for funding that could assist it to produce more booklets. In 2005 the BSM submitted a proposal to the National AIDS Commission for funding of the production and distribution of the Living in hope booklets. It was until 2007 that the National AIDS Commission funded BSM Living in Hope project with the sum of U$100,000
Production and Distribution The funds were used to produce and distribute: 365,000 vernacular booklets, 500 Braille 2,500 audio tapes
Challenges Faced The booklets were not enough to satisfy demand on the ground Though the demand for the material was increasing the material lacked an interactive aspect We thought of the Good Samaritan Project but we did not have the funds Malawi NAC were running short of funds and could not continue funding BSM Project
Migration to GSP Relationship with FiBS In 2008 during the JEW in Lome, Togo, we met Matleena Jarvio of the Bible Society of Finland and discussed the possibility of funding our Good Samaritan Project by the Finnish government She promised to try her best so that we might be funded In February 2009, we met again in Nairobi at another JEW and she assured us that something is being done In April 2009, Matleena broke the good news of a possible funding from the Finnish government and sent us a proposal guideline and we wrote the proposal with assistance from UBS HIV & AIDS DESK in Nairobi
Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Approves Malawi GPS The proposal of €432, was approved by the Finnish government towards the end of 2009 A review meeting with Markku and Matleena from the Finnish Bible Society and Kofi Agamah from UBS HIV Area Office was held last February in Blantyre, Malawi. This coming April, we will be launching the Good Samaritan Project and we have already conducted sensitization meetings with churches, government officials from different departments and NGOs that are involved in HIV work in the targeted areas of Phalombe, Neno/Mwanza, Thyolo Districts in the Southern region of Malawi
We are using the expertise of our existing Bible Translation Projects and Translation Consultant to Translate all GPS Materials into: Chichewa Language Tumbuka Language communicating in the heart language of the target group is most effective GSP Package into vernaculars
The Bible Society of Malawi Making God’s Word available and affordable
Watch with us a 25 - minute Youth TV discussion Magazine Program of the Bible Youth Advocate based on Take Charge recorded at Karibu Academy