“How Do I Get There From Here?” Ephesians 4:11-16
I. We need to be prepared for ministry.
In order to build up the body of Christ
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction In the knowledge of the Son of God
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction In the knowledge of the Son of God – truth and understanding about who He is.
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction In the knowledge of the Son of God – truth and understanding about who He is. –Until we become mature
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction In the knowledge of the Son of God – truth and understanding about who He is. –Until we become mature Becoming fully developed
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to build up the body of Christ –Until we reach unity In the faith – common conviction In the knowledge of the Son of God – truth and understanding about who He is. –Until we become mature Becoming fully developed Becoming fully balanced in Christ’s character
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness –So that we are no longer infants
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness –So that we are no longer infants Hebrews 5:12-14
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness –So that we are no longer infants Hebrews 5:12-14 –So that we are not tossed back and forth
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness –So that we are no longer infants Hebrews 5:12-14 –So that we are not tossed back and forth Blown here and there by every wind of doctrine
I. We need to be prepared for ministry. In order to grow up into Christ’s likeness –So that we are no longer infants Hebrews 5:12-14 –So that we are not tossed back and forth Blown here and there by every wind of doctrine Deceived by the schemes of cunning and crafty men
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity
We need to be exposed to the truth of Scripture
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to be exposed to the truth of Scripture –It makes us aware of our needs.
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to be exposed to the truth of Scripture –It makes us aware of our needs. Hebrews 4:12, penetrates, judges
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to be exposed to the truth of Scripture –It makes us aware of our needs. Hebrews 4:12, penetrates, judges –It makes us receptive to change in our lives.
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to be exposed to the truth of Scripture –It makes us aware of our needs. Hebrews 4:12, penetrates, judges –It makes us receptive to change in our lives. 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives –It is important to get involved in ministry
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives –It is important to get involved in ministry To utilize our gifts and abilities
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives –It is important to get involved in ministry To utilize our gifts and abilities We are created to serve in some capacity
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives –It is important to get involved in ministry To utilize our gifts and abilities We are created to serve in some capacity –It causes us to grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to develop that truth into our lives –It is important to get involved in ministry To utilize our gifts and abilities We are created to serve in some capacity –It causes us to grow into a deeper relationship with the Lord A growing Christian produces fruit
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to multiply that truth into the lives of others
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to multiply that truth into the lives of others –This enables others to become fully discipled followers of Christ
II. We need to take steps toward Christian maturity We need to multiply that truth into the lives of others –This enables others to become fully discipled followers of Christ –This leads others by our example