STRIVE to Enter In 1Cor 9:24-27
1. Christianity is not for the faint- hearted - 1Pt 4:16 (Gal 6:9) 2. Strive (agonizomai) - "to be a combatant in the public games; to contend, fight" (Moulton)
I. STRIVE TO ENTER BY THE NARROW DOOR - Lk. 13:23-24 A. Strenuous Zeal To Obtain Salvation - Jn 10:9; Mt 7:13-14; Phil 2:12-13; 1Pt 4:18 B. Entrance Into The Kingdom Of God Requires Genuine: 1. Self-denial - Lk 9:23 2. Earnest endeavor - Lk 16:16 3. Untiring energy - 1Cor 9:27 4. Utmost devotion - Mt 13:44-46
II. STRIVE ACCORDING TO THE WORKING OF GOD – Col 1:29 A. Christians Give Themselves To Doing The Work Of God - cf. Eph 2:10 1. According to God's will - Phil 2: With all diligence – 2Pt 1:5 (Rom 12:11) B. Because Of Our Hope – 1Tm 4:10
III.STRIVE IN OUR PRAYERS - Col 4: A. Examples Of Such Prayer: Jacob (Gen 32:24-29); Jesus (Lk 22:42-44) B. Earnest Prayer Will Receive Our Father's Answer - Lk 11:5-10; James 5:16-18; 4:1-3; Heb 4:16 - Be bold in prayer!
IV. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH - 1Tim 6:12 A. Against Satan - Eph 6:10-18 B. Against Self - 1Cor 9:25-27 (Gal 2:20) C. Against Error (For The Faith) - Jude 3- 4; 2Tim 4:2-4