Bible Times and Customs
Introduction: The Why’s And Hows of Interpreting Bible Times and Customs “Bible Times and Customs refers to the everyday practices and beliefs of people at the time that Bible books were written.” This is largely BIBLICAL JEWISH TIMES AND CUSTOMS (similar in part to all Near Eastern culture). (1) INTRODUCTION:
Why? How ? The ‘Whys’ and ‘Hows’ Why study BTAC now that our times are so different ? Why did God allow the Bible to include such foreign customs that we cannot easily relate to today ? How does ancient Jewish thought differ from today and how does this effect our interpretation of BTAC ? How do we practically interpret passages of Scripture that include customs etc. that are now not in our cultures ? (1)Because God chose to reveal truth through BTAC! (2)Without understanding BTAC many passages are meaningless or give a different impression (eg. Prov 25:21-22). (3)God chose weak things to shame wise (1 Cor 2:27-) It is possible by the Holy Spirit and by archeological research put down in books or in a good study Bible. A study trip to Israel is also beneficial! Learn to ‘see though the eyes’ of Biblical writers…..
Interpreting Ancient Jewish Thought… Directs,gives life etc.. Book of 66 books etc.. Miracle worker etc.. Divine being living up high.
Ancient Jewish though looks at IMPRESSIONS not IMAGES. When John the Baptist was asked to describe Jesus he didn’t give a western description with hair colour etc. He gave a FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION - See Matthew 11:2-5 In Song of Solomon chapter 7 the Jew would see the beautiful Character (function) of the woman. What would the western mind see ?
Interpreting Passages With Bible Times and Customs in them. 1.What are literary, historical and immediate contexts ? 2.What Biblical practice/custom/object is mentioned? find out as much as you can about it. 3.What is it’s function ? (looking through Biblical eyes). 4.Used elsewhere in Scripture ? Interpreted in Scripture ? Symbolic ? 5.Look at FIRST MENTION for seed thoughts. 6.Is its mention literal, symbolic, metaphoric etc.? 7.What is original intention of author in using it here ? 8.What’s the message for me today ?
Lesson One: Clothing And Dwellings (Lesson 3 in book) (i)Biblical Clothing: Images and Impressions IMAGES….. (a)The Loin or Waist-Cloth: Worn by poor, prophets and military (Ezek 23:15; Isa 5:27). See also Jn21:7 (b)The Tunic: Essential garment made from two pieces of material (Joseph’s was made from many pieces – additional arms etc. – Gen 37:3) – held to waist by girdle of leather or cloth that could hold money, provisions and/or weapons (Mark 6:8; 1 Samuel 25:13. Girding up the loins was when men needed freedom to work/run – Ex 12:11; 1 Pet 1:13
(c) Cloak or Robe: Worn on top of tunic – necessity in cold/harsh weather (Ex 22:26- 27; Matt 5:40) and valuable (Luke 6:29). Was a mark of person’s social standing & authority – each family clan had it’s own. Tassels (‘Tsit Tsit’):Num 15:37-41 – on fringe of cloak or tunic worn by men & women (referred to in Matt 23:5…. (i)Tassels stood for place in society (ii)Tassels stood for person’s authority (Lk 8:44-48; 1 Sam 24:1-11) (iii)Tassels stood for royal-priestly purity – blue and mixture of wool & linen usually for priests (Lev 19:19)
Impressions of Clothing… 1.Covers Shame (Gen 3:7,21)… Nakedness was state of prisoners fugitives (Isa 20:4; Amos 2:16; Mk 14:52). Jesus wearing on cross ? Jn 19:23 2. Sign of Authority & belonging – Acts 8:58. Need to cover spiritual nakedness: See Isa 61:3,10;Rom 13:14; Col 3:12,14; Eph 4:24; 1 Cor 15:53.
(d) Footwear: Luke 3:16
(e) Headwear: (i) For Men…. (ii) For Women… Wore cloth all the way to the shoulders held in place by a plaited cord. Sometimes with a veil. 1 Cor 11:1-16- Respectable women went out with heads covered and a veil. Only prostitutes displayed their faces & showed off their hair to attract men. The ‘headdress’ symbolizes an authority covering (God over man, Man over woman) – 1 Cor 11:10
(f) Ornamentation: (g) Cleaning Clothes: See Mal 3:2; Mark 9:3; Ps 51:2 Speaks of being cleansed by blood of Jesus.