Chapter 1 Our Story of Faith
Bible – amazing story of God’s love for us; God’s word written down by humans; the Church’s holy book, also called Scripture. The word bible means “library.” eternity – time without end; unchangeable timelessness. For Christians, eternity refers to life after death.
Saint Jerome – translated the Bible into Latin; the Vulgate – St. Jerome’s Latin translation of the Bible; the official version of the Bible among Catholics for hundreds of years Oral tradition – the spoken word passed from one generation to the next Inspired – moved and guided by God’s spirit
psalms & canticles – poems and prayers that were once sung; ex. Book of Psalms folktales – old stories changed and expanded by biblical writers to teach certain truths about God; ex. Book of Job oracles – messages from God spoken by prophets, often introduced by the words “Thus says the Lord”; ex. Servant Songs from Isaiah
historical accounts – accounts written to reveal God’s activity in the world; ex. Books of Chronicles, Kings, Samuel short stories & novels – stories told to show how virtuous people are supposed to live; ex. “Joseph and His Brothers,” Books of Tobit, Esther, and Jonah
parables – short stories told to answer a question and illustrate a deeper point; ex. “The Good Samaritan” letters – addressed to early Christians by the apostles and their followers; ex. St. Paul’s letters
apocalypse – a form of writing that describes the destruction of evil times and the coming of God’s kingdom; ex. Book of Revelation inspired – a term used to describe Scripture; moved and guided by the Holy Spirit
We can all be thankful God created each of us to be unique (special in his or her own way). Each of us has a story to tell. Everything in our life is part of our story – good and bad
Part of a Greater Story You don’t create your story on your own; other people help shape it We are part of a bigger story – the greatest and oldest – God’s story God’s story beginning of time
John Donne “No man is an island, entire of itself…Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” All related, all human All affected by what happens to others
A Larger Question Always wonder & question about God God wants us to know story of His presence in world – He tells it, people have listened
Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in 1947, shepherd boy Pieces of Old Testament Now in museum in Jerusalem
Bible Book of Books pages Most books written over period of 6 centuries Stories part of oral tradition (centuries) before written Books written – different times, different authors, different forms of storytelling
Bible (ctd.) Common purpose: story of God’s love for our world We have purpose in creation – destined for eternity Translated into languages, available for everyone Copied by hand before printing press Sometimes ornately decorated by hand with mini paintings (“illuminated”) showing scenes from stories
Bible (ctd.) Catholic Bible = 73 books (46 O.T., 27 N.T.)
St. Jerome Feast day September 30 Translated Bible from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek to Latin His version = Vulgate (“vulgar” = common, for all people) Official version among Catholics until 1943 Lived A.D.
A Story of Love Love of family & friends reflects God’s love, keeps us going Writers of Bible inspired by God; connected, past, present, future Stories of God’s love help us lead good lives today & look to future – not a book of the past Bible = divine and human work (human authors inspired by God)
Praise the Creator “psalm” – Greek – “songs to be sung to a stringed instrument” Many psalms written in response to wonders of creation & God’s love in shaping it