Isaiah 61:1-9 p. 529 Luke 4:18-21 p. 727 Psalm 51:6, 10, 11 p. 405
The heart, according to Scripture, not only includes the motives, feelings, affections, and desires, but also the will, the aims, the principles, the thoughts, and the intellect of man. In fact, it embraces the whole inner man, the head never being regarded as the seat of intelligence. Hence we read of men being 'wise hearted,' Exod. 31:6, 36:2; of wisdom being put into the heart, 2 Chron. 9:23; of the heart being awake, Eccles. 2:23, Song. 5:2; of the thoughts of the heart, Deut. 15:9; of words being laid up in the heart, 1 Sam. 21:12; and of mercy being written on the tablets of the heart, Prov. 3:3.
How do we start to have a heart change? Proverbs 2:1-11 Receive His word, allowing it to teach us. Prov 2:1 Incline our ears to wisdom. Prov 2:2 Apply our hearts to understanding. Prov 2:2 Cry out for discernment. Prov 2:3 Seek understanding like silver. Prov 2:4 Have a contrite heart, grieving, penitent heart. Ps 51:7 Acknowledge sin, confess our iniquity. John 1:9 How do we start to have a heart change? Proverbs 2:1-11 Receive His word, allowing it to teach us. Prov 2:1 Incline our ears to wisdom. Prov 2:2 Apply our hearts to understanding. Prov 2:2 Cry out for discernment. Prov 2:3 Seek understanding like silver. Prov 2:4 Have a contrite heart, grieving, penitent heart. Ps 51:7 Acknowledge sin, confess our iniquity. John 1:9
Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 1.No condemnation. Romans 8:1 2.Peace. Phil 4:7, Romans 8:6 3.Spirit driven, not flesh driven. Romans 8 Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 1.No condemnation. Romans 8:1 2.Peace. Phil 4:7, Romans 8:6 3.Spirit driven, not flesh driven. Romans 8
Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 4.Word of God becomes alive. Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16,17 5.Eternity minded, set on things above. Col 3:1 6.God's will becomes evidence (ministry to others). Ps 51:10-13, 2 Cor 5:17,18 Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 4.Word of God becomes alive. Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16,17 5.Eternity minded, set on things above. Col 3:1 6.God's will becomes evidence (ministry to others). Ps 51:10-13, 2 Cor 5:17,18
Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 7.Understanding of God's love and forgiveness. Rom 5:5, John 1:9, Eph 3: Light comes into life, darkness leaves. John 8:12, 2 Cor 4:6 9.Begin to understand, know the truth clearly. John 8:32 Blessings of Freedom in Christ (John 8:32, Romans 6:18, Gal 5:1, Romans 8:2) 7.Understanding of God's love and forgiveness. Rom 5:5, John 1:9, Eph 3: Light comes into life, darkness leaves. John 8:12, 2 Cor 4:6 9.Begin to understand, know the truth clearly. John 8:32