Filadelfia Church, Iaşi November 21 – 23, 2008 Teacher: Tony Davies Studies On The End Times And The Coming Of The Lord Part 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Filadelfia Church, Iaşi November 21 – 23, 2008 Teacher: Tony Davies Studies On The End Times And The Coming Of The Lord Part 2

Page  2 Agenda  Section 1 – Introduction to Part 2 of End Times Studies  Section 2 – The Return of Messiah Jesus, the Reign of Christ on Earth  Section 3 – The Millenial Kingdom  Section 4 – The Final Battle, Resurrection from the Dead and Eternal Judgement  Section 5 – Eternity: what are we destined for?  Section 6 – New Heaven and New Earth SLIDE 2Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  3 SECTION 1 Introduction To Part 2 Of End Time Studies SLIDE 3Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  4 A View of Key Events SLIDE 4Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  5 Pre Millenial View of Scripture  It fulfils the promises of the Jewish covenants literally.  It seeks fulfilment of the many prophecies in the scriptures in a manner which is consistent with the first coming of Christ to earth.  It therefore harmonises the entire bible, i.e. It does not require the New Testament to be a reinterpreter of the Old Testament.  Christ consistently taught about an earthly kingdom and this was the disciples’ expectation.  It encompasses a plain reading of Revelation 20 and the other scripture references to more than one resurrection.  This was the view of the early church up until the 3rd Century. SLIDE 5Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  6 Coming Ages  The age to come - Ephesians 1 v21  Coming Ages - Ephesians 2 v7  Forever and ever - age x age - Hebrews 1 v8  Forever all generation - age x ages - Ephesians 3 v21  Forever and ever - ages x ages - 1 Peter 4 v11 SLIDE 6Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  7 The Ages SLIDE 7Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies The Ages The Time of Gentiles Sufferings Of Christ Sufferings Of Christ Glories To Follow Glories To Follow Mediatorial Kingdom / Church Mediatorial Kingdom / Church Age to come: Judgement, Resurrection of Righteous. Age to come: Judgement, Resurrection of Righteous. The Millenium Kingdom, Reign of Christ on earth. The Present Age Messiah 1° Judgement & Resurrection Messiah 1° Judgement & Resurrection

Page  8 The Millenium Into Perspective SLIDE 8Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies Putting the Millenium into perspective – concluding the present Age and inaugurating the eternal order * Final battle and Great White Throne Judgement Overlap Church Overlap Church Millenium Reign Of Christ Millenium Reign Of Christ This Age The Cross * Ages to come Eternal state, The New Jerusalem, Paradise restored to earth Ages to come Eternal state, The New Jerusalem, Paradise restored to earth

Page  9 God’s Kingdom on Earth Three phases of God’s Kingdom on Earth SLIDE 9Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  10 Another illustration of God’s Kingdom on earth God dwelling on earth, the age which: God’s Kingdom on Earth - cont SLIDE 10Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  11 Jesus’ Kingdom Parables Jesus’ Kingdom Parables describing inaugural stage of the kingdom SLIDE 11Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  12 SECTION 2 The Return Of Messiah Jesus, The Reign of Christ On Earth SLIDE 12Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  13 The Return of the Messiah Jesus  He leads, and he alone fights with the word of his mouth.  The anti Christ and the armies that he has gathered against the Lord are all destroyed.  The birds are summoned to undertake a vast clean up operation.  The beast and the false prophet are judged and thrown into the lake of burning sulphur.  The unbelievers are removed from the earth which is therefore populated by believers.  Satan is bound with a great chain and thrown into the Abyss which is locked and sealed over for 1000 years.  There is another phase of the first resurrection.  Christ will reign on an earth substantially as we know it for 1000 years. SLIDE 13Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  14 Christ’s Thrones of Judgement  The Judgement Seat of Christ (Bema) Rom 14:10  The Heavenly Throne Matthew 25v31  The Great White Throne Rev 20v11,15 SLIDE 14Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  15 The Unconditional Covenants With Israel The unconditional covenants God has made with Israel  The blessing of Abraham-the Covenant of blessing  The blessing of Abraham- the promise of the land (ownership)  Dwelling in the land (Regathering to the Land)  Covenant with David, a son on his throne SLIDE 15Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  16 SECTION 3 The Millenial Kingdom SLIDE 16Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  17 The Millenial Kingdom  He will come upon the earth. At the heart of the kingdom is the king!  He comes to stand and rule from Zion.  The Lord makes a number of geographical changes to Jerusalem and the land around it.  The land is restored fully to Israel and them to the land.  The land will then be full and will be blessed by the return of the restored people of Israel. SLIDE 17Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  18 The Millenial Kingdom – cont.  The Jews will assist in this final ingathering.  As will the gentiles.  From Jerusalem the law-and the knowledge of the glory of God is communicated through out the world.  He rules the nations with justice and brings in peace.  Through God’s dealings with Israel all the earth will be blessed, thus fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham.  Israel will be exalted above the nations.  Israel is saved and walks in the new covenant with amazing spiritual blessings. SLIDE 18Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  19 The Church In The Millenium  The promise of Christ to the Church is to be a kingdom of priests and to reign with Him.  The Church will have a role in judging as well as ruling.  The Church has an amazing inheritance in Christ.  God’s plan is to bring everything in heaven and earth under one head. SLIDE 19Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  20 The Millenial Kingdom  Israel is saved and walks in the new covenant with amazing spiritual blessings.  They will know amazing joy.  As well as physical blessings.  General Features of life on earth:  The earth will give forth its produce easily.  There will be a great population growth.  God will greatly comfort and protect them. SLIDE 20Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  21 The Millenial Kingdom – cont.  God’s Perspective.  What God is saying to Israel today?  Our role is to recognise that the return of the Lord to the earth is completely linked to the restoration of Israel.  God gives us a calling to stand with him in this regard.  What this mean for us today in our understanding of the Kingdom of God? SLIDE 21Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  22 SECTION 4 The Final Battle, Resurrection From The Dead And Eternal Judgement SLIDE 22Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  23 The Final Battle THE FINAL BATTLE SLIDE 23Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  24 Resurrection & Eternal Judgement RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD AND ETERNAL JUDGEMENT SLIDE 24Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  25 Resurrection Order SLIDE 25Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies Resurrection Order Christ First fruits. Whitnesses Matthew 27 v 52,53 Rapture, those in Christ Those who are Christ’s at His coming Millenium Trib. Martyrs and OT saints. 1st Resurrection Remaining righteous The End of Resurrection Christ’s Judgement Thrones: Judgement Seat of Christ (Bema) Glorious Throne Great White Throne

Page  26 God Gives It A Body As He Has Determined SLIDE 26Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  27 SECTION 5 Eternity: What Are We Destined For? SLIDE 27Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  28 The Judgement of God  It is Jesus Christ who will judge and give the verdict.  The judgement will be personal to each person.  The judgement will be based on truth and full knowledge, all secrets will be known.  The judgement will review obedience to light revealed, both the knowledge of God through creation and the law and what was in the person’s conscience.  The judgement will be right, righteous and without favouritism.  It will reflect what people have done.  The judgement will only have one of two outcomes: eternal life or wrath and anger. SLIDE 28Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  29 Eternal Judgement  Hell is real; the devil aims to fool people it is not to prevent them being saved.  Hell is real, if it were not Jesus would not have needed to die.  We all deserved hell, but God so loved us (the world) that he sent his son to die for us.  God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.1 Tim 2 v4, 2 Peter 3 v9.  We are saved from the wrath of God Romans 5 v 9, hell is his wrath (Rev 14 v10, 11). His righteousness demands it. SLIDE 29Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  30 SECTION 6 New Heaven And New Earth SLIDE 30Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  31 New Heaven and Earth - What’s Not There  No longer any sea v1  No more death or crying or pain v4  No temple v22  No sun or moon to shine on it v23  No night v25 (also v 22v 5)  Nothing impure v27 and  No longer any curse 22v5 SLIDE 31Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  32 New Heaven and Earth – What’s There?  God is there, v3, (the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb)  The overcomers are there v 7  The glory of God is there v 11& 23  The Holy City, the New Jerusalem is there  The river of the water of life is there 22v 1  The throne of God and of the Lamb are there 22 v1  The tree of life is there 22v 2  The nations are on the new earth walking by the light of the New Jerusalem 21 v24 and 21 v2 SLIDE 32Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  33 Hebrews 11 ** New Jerusalem – A City:  Designed v10  Built v10  With Foundations v10  Prepared v16  Looked for v10  Longed for v16  Valued v26  Suffered for v35 We are citizens, born there, she is our mother! SLIDE 33Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  34 Reconciliation Completed  His servants will serve him Rev 22 v3  They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads 22 v4 and v5  They will reign forever and ever 22 v5  The great prophetic cry stands fulfilled as “It is done! …He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son” Rev 21 v6,7 SLIDE 34Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies

Page  35 The Gracious Invitation  To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. (Rev 21:6)  The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Rev 22 v17,20) SLIDE 35Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies