Filadelfia Church, Iaşi November 21 – 23, 2008 Teacher: Tony Davies Studies On The End Times And The Coming Of The Lord Part 2
Page 2 Agenda Section 1 – Introduction to Part 2 of End Times Studies Section 2 – The Return of Messiah Jesus, the Reign of Christ on Earth Section 3 – The Millenial Kingdom Section 4 – The Final Battle, Resurrection from the Dead and Eternal Judgement Section 5 – Eternity: what are we destined for? Section 6 – New Heaven and New Earth SLIDE 2Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 3 SECTION 1 Introduction To Part 2 Of End Time Studies SLIDE 3Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 4 A View of Key Events SLIDE 4Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 5 Pre Millenial View of Scripture It fulfils the promises of the Jewish covenants literally. It seeks fulfilment of the many prophecies in the scriptures in a manner which is consistent with the first coming of Christ to earth. It therefore harmonises the entire bible, i.e. It does not require the New Testament to be a reinterpreter of the Old Testament. Christ consistently taught about an earthly kingdom and this was the disciples’ expectation. It encompasses a plain reading of Revelation 20 and the other scripture references to more than one resurrection. This was the view of the early church up until the 3rd Century. SLIDE 5Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 6 Coming Ages The age to come - Ephesians 1 v21 Coming Ages - Ephesians 2 v7 Forever and ever - age x age - Hebrews 1 v8 Forever all generation - age x ages - Ephesians 3 v21 Forever and ever - ages x ages - 1 Peter 4 v11 SLIDE 6Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 7 The Ages SLIDE 7Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies The Ages The Time of Gentiles Sufferings Of Christ Sufferings Of Christ Glories To Follow Glories To Follow Mediatorial Kingdom / Church Mediatorial Kingdom / Church Age to come: Judgement, Resurrection of Righteous. Age to come: Judgement, Resurrection of Righteous. The Millenium Kingdom, Reign of Christ on earth. The Present Age Messiah 1° Judgement & Resurrection Messiah 1° Judgement & Resurrection
Page 8 The Millenium Into Perspective SLIDE 8Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies Putting the Millenium into perspective – concluding the present Age and inaugurating the eternal order * Final battle and Great White Throne Judgement Overlap Church Overlap Church Millenium Reign Of Christ Millenium Reign Of Christ This Age The Cross * Ages to come Eternal state, The New Jerusalem, Paradise restored to earth Ages to come Eternal state, The New Jerusalem, Paradise restored to earth
Page 9 God’s Kingdom on Earth Three phases of God’s Kingdom on Earth SLIDE 9Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 10 Another illustration of God’s Kingdom on earth God dwelling on earth, the age which: God’s Kingdom on Earth - cont SLIDE 10Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 11 Jesus’ Kingdom Parables Jesus’ Kingdom Parables describing inaugural stage of the kingdom SLIDE 11Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 12 SECTION 2 The Return Of Messiah Jesus, The Reign of Christ On Earth SLIDE 12Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 13 The Return of the Messiah Jesus He leads, and he alone fights with the word of his mouth. The anti Christ and the armies that he has gathered against the Lord are all destroyed. The birds are summoned to undertake a vast clean up operation. The beast and the false prophet are judged and thrown into the lake of burning sulphur. The unbelievers are removed from the earth which is therefore populated by believers. Satan is bound with a great chain and thrown into the Abyss which is locked and sealed over for 1000 years. There is another phase of the first resurrection. Christ will reign on an earth substantially as we know it for 1000 years. SLIDE 13Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 14 Christ’s Thrones of Judgement The Judgement Seat of Christ (Bema) Rom 14:10 The Heavenly Throne Matthew 25v31 The Great White Throne Rev 20v11,15 SLIDE 14Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 15 The Unconditional Covenants With Israel The unconditional covenants God has made with Israel The blessing of Abraham-the Covenant of blessing The blessing of Abraham- the promise of the land (ownership) Dwelling in the land (Regathering to the Land) Covenant with David, a son on his throne SLIDE 15Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 16 SECTION 3 The Millenial Kingdom SLIDE 16Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 17 The Millenial Kingdom He will come upon the earth. At the heart of the kingdom is the king! He comes to stand and rule from Zion. The Lord makes a number of geographical changes to Jerusalem and the land around it. The land is restored fully to Israel and them to the land. The land will then be full and will be blessed by the return of the restored people of Israel. SLIDE 17Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 18 The Millenial Kingdom – cont. The Jews will assist in this final ingathering. As will the gentiles. From Jerusalem the law-and the knowledge of the glory of God is communicated through out the world. He rules the nations with justice and brings in peace. Through God’s dealings with Israel all the earth will be blessed, thus fulfilling God’s promises to Abraham. Israel will be exalted above the nations. Israel is saved and walks in the new covenant with amazing spiritual blessings. SLIDE 18Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 19 The Church In The Millenium The promise of Christ to the Church is to be a kingdom of priests and to reign with Him. The Church will have a role in judging as well as ruling. The Church has an amazing inheritance in Christ. God’s plan is to bring everything in heaven and earth under one head. SLIDE 19Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 20 The Millenial Kingdom Israel is saved and walks in the new covenant with amazing spiritual blessings. They will know amazing joy. As well as physical blessings. General Features of life on earth: The earth will give forth its produce easily. There will be a great population growth. God will greatly comfort and protect them. SLIDE 20Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 21 The Millenial Kingdom – cont. God’s Perspective. What God is saying to Israel today? Our role is to recognise that the return of the Lord to the earth is completely linked to the restoration of Israel. God gives us a calling to stand with him in this regard. What this mean for us today in our understanding of the Kingdom of God? SLIDE 21Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 22 SECTION 4 The Final Battle, Resurrection From The Dead And Eternal Judgement SLIDE 22Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 23 The Final Battle THE FINAL BATTLE SLIDE 23Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 24 Resurrection & Eternal Judgement RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD AND ETERNAL JUDGEMENT SLIDE 24Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 25 Resurrection Order SLIDE 25Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies Resurrection Order Christ First fruits. Whitnesses Matthew 27 v 52,53 Rapture, those in Christ Those who are Christ’s at His coming Millenium Trib. Martyrs and OT saints. 1st Resurrection Remaining righteous The End of Resurrection Christ’s Judgement Thrones: Judgement Seat of Christ (Bema) Glorious Throne Great White Throne
Page 26 God Gives It A Body As He Has Determined SLIDE 26Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 27 SECTION 5 Eternity: What Are We Destined For? SLIDE 27Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 28 The Judgement of God It is Jesus Christ who will judge and give the verdict. The judgement will be personal to each person. The judgement will be based on truth and full knowledge, all secrets will be known. The judgement will review obedience to light revealed, both the knowledge of God through creation and the law and what was in the person’s conscience. The judgement will be right, righteous and without favouritism. It will reflect what people have done. The judgement will only have one of two outcomes: eternal life or wrath and anger. SLIDE 28Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 29 Eternal Judgement Hell is real; the devil aims to fool people it is not to prevent them being saved. Hell is real, if it were not Jesus would not have needed to die. We all deserved hell, but God so loved us (the world) that he sent his son to die for us. God does not want any to perish but for all to come to repentance.1 Tim 2 v4, 2 Peter 3 v9. We are saved from the wrath of God Romans 5 v 9, hell is his wrath (Rev 14 v10, 11). His righteousness demands it. SLIDE 29Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 30 SECTION 6 New Heaven And New Earth SLIDE 30Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 31 New Heaven and Earth - What’s Not There No longer any sea v1 No more death or crying or pain v4 No temple v22 No sun or moon to shine on it v23 No night v25 (also v 22v 5) Nothing impure v27 and No longer any curse 22v5 SLIDE 31Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 32 New Heaven and Earth – What’s There? God is there, v3, (the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb) The overcomers are there v 7 The glory of God is there v 11& 23 The Holy City, the New Jerusalem is there The river of the water of life is there 22v 1 The throne of God and of the Lamb are there 22 v1 The tree of life is there 22v 2 The nations are on the new earth walking by the light of the New Jerusalem 21 v24 and 21 v2 SLIDE 32Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 33 Hebrews 11 ** New Jerusalem – A City: Designed v10 Built v10 With Foundations v10 Prepared v16 Looked for v10 Longed for v16 Valued v26 Suffered for v35 We are citizens, born there, she is our mother! SLIDE 33Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 34 Reconciliation Completed His servants will serve him Rev 22 v3 They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads 22 v4 and v5 They will reign forever and ever 22 v5 The great prophetic cry stands fulfilled as “It is done! …He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son” Rev 21 v6,7 SLIDE 34Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies
Page 35 The Gracious Invitation To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. (Rev 21:6) The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life. He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Rev 22 v17,20) SLIDE 35Filadelfia Church, Iaşi; November 21 – 23, 2008; Teacher: Tony Davies