Lesson 26 Bible Class
Memory Verse "This Good News tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, 'it is though faith that a righteous person has life.'" (Romans 1:17)
Memory Verse "This _____ _____ tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, 'it is though faith that a _________ person has ____.'" (Romans 1:17)
Memory Verse "This _____ _____ tells us how God makes us right in His ______. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the _________ say, 'it is though faith that a _________ person has ____.'" (Romans 1:17)
Memory Verse "This _____ _____ tells us how God makes us ____ in His ______. This is ____________ from ____ to ____ by faith. As the _________ say, 'it is though faith that a _________ person has ____.'" (Romans 1:17)
Memory Verse "This _____ _____ tells us how God makes us ____ in His ______. This is ____________ from ____ to ____ by _____. As the _________ say, 'it is though ___ that a _________ person has ____.'" ( _______ _:_ _)
Memory Verse "This Good News tells us how God makes us right in His sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, 'it is though faith that a righteous person has life.'" (Romans 1:17)
The Church in Europe The church in Europe during the Dark Ages was the only one official church. It ruled everything, secular or sacred, and controlled the lives of the people. It was corrupt.
Martin Luther Born on Nov. 10, 1483 Went to University when he was 18 Saw Bible chained to a wall Read through it A painting motivated Luther to become a monk. It was a painting of a ship with the pope at the helm and monks, priests, nuns and bishops on board. Common people were struggling in the water and drowning. The ship symbolized the church moving toward heaven. Luther thought that if he were to be saved, he must become one of the church leaders.
Church Beliefs: Holy Shrines and Relics The church taught that visiting a shrine could reduce the time you or a loved one would spend in purgatory.
A Visit to a Shrine Luther visited Pilate’s staircase. As he was going up the stairs on his knees, kissing each one, he remembered Romans 1: 17: “It is through faith that a righteous person has life,” and questioned whether he could really earn salvation.
Returning to Germany Martin Luther returned to Germany and studied, gaining a new view of God. While he was a teacher at Wittenberg, he learned that God that was to be loved, not feared. salvation is by grace alone. the Bible is the sole authority for a Christian. Believers could come to God without a priest
Why was Tetzel Selling Pardons for Sin? Pope Leo X commissioned him to sell pardons in order to raise money for a cathedral he wanted to build in Rome.
Tetzel’s Promise Tetzel’s promise to those who bought the pardons was that their future sins would be forgiven, and they wouldn’t even need to repent.
The 95 Theses Mg091rA Mg091rA People read the Theses and began to look in faith to Christ instead of priests and saints. Luther was summoned to Rome to defend or renounce his teachings before the pope.
Protecting Luther Frederick, Elector of Saxony, helped protect Luther from the Pope. Luther was excommunicated because he refused to accept any responsibility above Scripture.
At the Wartburg Castle Luther was kidnapped by friends and taken there. While there, he translated the New Testament into German.
When Luther Appeared Before the Diet of Worms =r5P7QkHCfaI&feature=endscreen