Who is a NEIGHBOR?
Scripture Reading Luke 10:25-37
Discuss in your Groups Who do think the man in the story represents? What is the significance of the fact that he was going from Jerusalem to Jericho?
Who is He:
Question Based on the experience of the unfortunate man in the story (vs. 30) list some of the realities of life that our neighbors face/their needs – list them?
Our Neighbors’ Needs
Questions : Group 1: What are the possible reasons why the priest did not help (and why we do not help)? Give scripture that speaks against the reasons given. Group 2: What are the possible reasons why the Levite did not help (and why we do not help)? Group 3: Based on the actions of the Samaritan, how should we help our neighbors? Quote scripture that guides/encourages/empowers us to help
Some Reasons we Don’t Help:
How we Should/Could Help
What Have we Learnt?